The girls go turkey hunting....

Dave Sikorski

Well-known member
Saw this elsewhere and figured I'd share it.

I think it's pretty darn awesome how pumped up these ladies are. I hope the gun wasn't loaded.

I do that same dance when I shoot a turkey too.


Now I've got this visual in my head I can't get rid of...Thanks!

My pants are usually more loose fitting, but otherwise pretty much right on (even the squeals of delight).

That was hilarious, awesome and scary at the same time. Very excited. They bagged a turkey. "Keep smashing its head! It's got to be dead, dead."

But was the gun loaded? Yikes!
Tod does a similar twinkle toe dance before he gets in the water to move decoys. I quickly learned to set them myself ;)
I just love the excitement comming from them young ladies and its awesome,I've killed many over the years and I still do the dance and the arm pump
I put off watching this one for as long as I could but caved yesterday and now I need to speak up. Those girls need to learn some safe gun handling practices!!!!!!! Enthusiasm is good but needs to be second to gun safety. I ask you all- What would have happened if that gun was loaded and blew her head off when she was trying to kill that dead turkey???????? It is in our best interest to keep that from happening. Maybe I'm just a cranky old Firearms Safety instructor but I do urge ALL OF YOU to think this one through. Thank you.
I put off watching this one for as long as I could but caved yesterday and now I need to speak up. Those girls need to learn some safe gun handling practices!!!!!!! Enthusiasm is good but needs to be second to gun safety. I ask you all- What would have happened if that gun was loaded and blew her head off when she was trying to kill that dead turkey???????? It is in our best interest to keep that from happening. Maybe I'm just a cranky old Firearms Safety instructor but I do urge ALL OF YOU to think this one through. Thank you.

Tom, the OP and several othere mentioned the safety aspect, since she isn't a poster here, I don't know what more can be done.

Todd, I don't expect anyone to "Do anything" other than consider the possible results and maybe, just maybe save someone from the grief of being shot in the face. Not trying to "start something" just saying. BTW who or what is OP? (Not Ron Howard I hope:). Can't be too careful.
Todd, I don't expect anyone to "Do anything" other than consider the possible results and maybe, just maybe save someone from the grief of being shot in the face. Not trying to "start something" just saying. BTW who or what is OP? (Not Ron Howard I hope:). Can't be too careful.

Original poster = "OP", sorry.