The streak is broken!

Cody Williams

Well-known member
A funny thing has been going on for me that past few seasons-I just haven't been shooting any drake mallards. Definitely not intentionally, mind you, just for whatever reason I haven't had shots at them, and those that I've had have been misses. I've shot 5 or 6 hens, but no drakes. That all changed a few days ago!

When I got home, I checked my hunting journal and the last greenhead that I shot was on 1/15/15-nearly 2 years ago! I've shot 60+ ducks since then but this is the first mallard drake! Also the first for this little girl-

I don't know how or why, and I didn't particularly mind it although I've missed roasting some fat January mallards in the dutch oven, but I'm glad the streak is finally over!
Good streak to break - Yum!!! I had a long period where I was a snob against mallards, but these days they are tough to beat (especially in the pan)!
Could be a function of the numbers. In RI we can only shoot 2 hen mallards. Maybe there are fewer drakes around as a result, or maybe the drakes get shot at more and end up being more difficult to decoy. I get so few mallards of any gender I couldn't begin to speak with any meaningful experience.
It's an interesting question as to why that would happen-talking to the old timers around my area, in the 50's and 60's it was unusual to see many mallards, they mostly shot gadwall and pintails. Then mallards gradually increased, until the current times when they are probably the most numerous duck in our area. Maybe they are on the decline locally again?
I call my lack of drakes the Curse of the Greenhead. I have been participating in the Feds wing collection program for a lot of years, and I have kept my summaries.

I haven't killed a Greenhead in 14 years!

I also seem to be able to kill a drake can, a drake redhead or drake greater scaup. Or drake oldsquaw, pintail, shoveler...

Man this is getting depressing putting them all down on a list like this! Lol.
I know what you mean! Are mallards not common in your area? Drake Cans and redheads are uncommon enough for me to be a real prize. Come out here to Utah if you want to shoot pintails or shovelers, we have plenty of both, and we even have a few oldsquaw out on the Great Salt Lake.....maybe it's time for a road trip?
It was good to hear that you got yourself back on track with the drake mallard. Your pup looks great. Nice pic of her.
Cody, Mallards are incredibly common in Ohio, if you can say any duck is. I don't have the money needed to really hunt them right. Lol.