Two dogs instead of just one.

Al Hansen

Well-known member
How could a day start any better than this one? As I always do, I went out to feed my dogs in the kennel prior to leaving on a hunt. While doing this yesterday, I happened to see Habanero giving me that longing look or at least I thought of it in that way. After all 5 dogs were fed, I saw that Chipotle was already out and running around, ready for his day with me.

As I was bringing back my food bucket, I looked at Habi another time as she was walking by my side stride for stride. I then said, “All right girl are you ready to hunt again?” Well, if a wagging tail was all you had to go by, it was enough! At the door I gave the command to “Stay” for Serrano and told Habi she could go. She quickly joined up with Chip and they were already at the truck waiting for me to get there.

It was last year just around Christmas time when I took Preston White on his very first duck hunt. I had brought along Chip with Habi because I wanted him to see as much action as he could and neither of my dogs had been on a hunt with another person other than me, so this was different, also. When we arrived at our spot to park, I let the dogs out and when Habi jumped out she impaled her front paw with very large thorn of a mesquite tree. By the time we had gotten everything in the Mule and I’m saying no more than 15 minutes, her paw was swollen to twice its size. I picked my girl up and put her back in the front seat of the truck where she stayed until we got back. She ended up missing the entire month of January during the season, and that is when Chip stepped up and got his first hand experience retrieving ducks.

Well, on our way to go duck hunting, Habi, who was sitting in the middle of the front seat, put her head on my shoulder and basically stayed that way until we got to our destination. I could tell that she was happy to once again be back out hunting. As for Chip, the two of them always got along well together so for me I was most interested in how they would work as a team.

Once my decoys were all in place, I called my dogs to come over to the blind area and get settled in. They were having fun roaming around and in particular, Habi, since she was the new comer. I noticed that I still had ten minutes prior to the opener, so I poured a cup of hot coffee, sat back in my folding chair, took a deep breath of fresh Rio Grande air, and totally immersed myself in euphoria. “How in the world could anything be better than right now at this very moment?” I thought. The light was creeping in, I could hear coyotes howling in the distance, a huge flock of migrating crows was flying just on the other side of the river, and dog gone it, my coffee couldn’t have tasted any better than it did!

Well, it was now time and I was ready, just as ready as my two pups who were seated to my right in a small opening I had just for them. They held their spot well because it was Habi who first taught Chip how to sit in a blind. Neither of them moved a muscle as they sat there just like two bumps on a stump.


I sure didn’t see them but there was not doubt about hearing them. A small flock of F16s flew right over the top of us no more than 20 feet up. Good grief they had to be flying at Mach 10! I got on the my duck call, gave a not too loud call and just happened to see them disappear into the darkness again. I don’t think two minutes went by when they came back towards my spread. This time I was ready and fired off two quick shots. Both dogs were off to the races and came back with a duck in their mouth. What a great way to start off the day! Unfortunately, I saw another teal that had just been slightly wounded and it was Habi who also saw it. Work as she might, it ended up to no avail because that pesky little duck kept on diving on her. She was some distance off downstream when I called her back. It was evident that it had just plain disappeared.

As I sat there with this incessant smile on my face as I looked at my pups, out of nowhere from the north came a flock of spoonbills. I love the way they fly in large numbers. This one contained about 15 birds and boy, did they put on a show as they skimmed the surface of the Rio Grande gyrating first one way and then another. They came in so fast that once again, this old phart just sat there and enjoyed the sights because I sure as heck didn’t have time to shoulder my gun. Just prior to them rounding the bend to the south of me they made a huge circle and started coming back. At first I thought they were going to land in my spread but they opted not to. I happened to pick out one in a small group of four and then watched it hit the water. Both of my dogs were out there and of course Chip got there first. Habi just ran by his side as he came back with the duck. That was what I was hoping for.

It quickly reminded me of when I tried that with Chili and Pepper. Chili didn't want to give up the drake mallard she retrieved and of course, Pepper, who was my “head strong” girl decided she wanted her fair share. Chili came back with the body of the duck and Pepper proudly carried its head. That ended the dynamic duo from hunting together again.

This hunt was fun and most importantly it gave me a very good idea of how and what to expect from my two dogs as they worked together. When it was time for me to gather my decoys, I kept an eye on them as they romped about. The pictures will tell you all you need to know!

There is nothing in this world of waterfowling that can compare to having partners like this sharing your blind.







Hey, is that a smile I see?

Loved your story and pics. Always love watching my sons dog play with the pup. Can not wait to get them both out hunting together. I tried training the two at once but that was a mistake for now until the pup is a little steadier.
You can see how excited they are to be hunting together.
Great pics Al.

Hey John,
They act this way each time I take them out which is pretty cool to see. Yesterday I drove down to investigate since they (the state) closed the river for irrigating on November the 1st. I last hunted when the flow was at 106cfs. As of 3:15 this morning, it is now flowing at 329cfs. While we were there it just about 300 so it hasn't gone up much since then. I now know what to expect when we get there prior to the season opening this morning and about how deep the water will be where once it was quite a large looking sand island. Fingers crossed!
looks as good as hunting with kids! ..............well behaved kids :)

Thanks, Mike. You know that dogs have their bad days just like we do, however, it seems like they have a lot fewer of them! So far so good.
Loved your story and pics. Always love watching my sons dog play with the pup. Can not wait to get them both out hunting together. I tried training the two at once but that was a mistake for now until the pup is a little steadier.

Keith, that happened to me, also. Glad you enjoyed this. Good luck to you as your pup grows. It is always interesting how dogs think and what they do.
For example, yesterday when I was coming back from checking out the river, I noticed that Chip decided to sit in the middle next to me instead of the right hand side of the seat, which he let Habi have. Then I figured it out. In one stretch of the trail the twigs were evidently slapping him in the face and he made the switch. We'll see what happens when we are down there this morning.