Unapologetic endorsment

Shawn Linn

Active member
I have been dealing with a major problem with my dogs feet over the second half of the season. He developed sore around his pads and between his toes and he was in a lot of pain. I did not want to leave him behind so I tried a couple of brands of commercial dog boots and they got shredded in one or two hunts fell off repeatedly, or filled with water.

So I went on the innerweb to look for a solution and I found this in youtube.


not sure how to highlight this to make it easier to get to link, sorry
I used vet wrap in place of the first aid tape and electrical tape for the rest, but stuck to the design otherwise.

I used these hunting upland last Saturday and they stayed on all day, did not fill with water and are in as good a shape as they where when I started..Best feature my buddy sons ride moto cross and I got the used tubes for
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Hey Shawn

I fixed your link. Go to the edit screen and take a look for future reference of how it looks
