Urea Duck Decoys

Hey just curious if anyone has tried the flapper crow decoy from ureaduck decoys? Or the assult decoy? Trying to find a way to convince em to come across a feild or thru an opening in the woods (choppin) or if anyone else hunts em and has luck? With these same circumstances.
Thanks Chris Goldsworthy
If it aint a chessie it aint worth having
I know nothing about those decoys but I had to look them up with a name like Urea Duck Decoys. Found Ure A Duck Decoys, that name made a little more sense to me. hehe
I thought maybe it was a full line of shoveler decoys or something. :)

I haven't used a flapper decoy for crows, but I have a FoxPro game caller with crow sounds loaded on it and it works wonders on them. I also use a few plain plastic decoys (Flambeau, I think) in the field surrounding the caller and it works better than just having the caller alone -- it gives the incoming birds something to see when they hear "Crow Fight," "Crow Gathering," or "Injured Crow." Without the decoys, they will still respond to the call, but usually hang up out of gun range and quickly lose interest. With the decoys, they fully commit and will sometimes keep coming back even after the first round of shots.