White Christmas hunt

Jay K

Active member
Took a new hunter into a walk in spot for his first hunt on Christmas Eve morning. NWS blew the forecast. What was supposed to be a coating to an inch was easily 2-3", maybe 4". It made for a hunt I simply won't forget. It was a lake in the north zone of where I hunt. We didn't see much. Early before first light we heard some quacking. Never saw the birds. We had a pair of hooded mergansers working across the lake that provided nonstop entertainment. The only excitement was from a group of 15 or so birds flying high early on and then getting buzzed by a pair of black ducks mid morning. The scenery simply could not be beat.

Now I just need to decide if I want to go back. Just too nice of a spot to believe that when the birds are moving, they aren't there.
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Beautiful scenery, certainly not something we see on the Gulf Coast!
Thanks guys. Was pretty memorable despite not seeing much. Buddy I brought with me is now hooked. Went out and started buying decoys shortly after.
That's a nice looking lake there Jay. It reminds me of some spots in North Jersey where I spent the latter part of my youth.

If I had known what it would entail, I wouldn't have done anything different other than just save more money LOL.


You have a really good eye my friend!