Who's going shooting on Monday?

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
Sept 1 is the opener for us for ducks, geese, and grouse and Mac and I hope to get out after all three on Monday. I scouted some Specks and a few Canada's in a field near town here last night, so we'll see if I can get permission to try for them. I love fall.

So who's going out for what, where?

Down here in Texas we have Dove season opening the first of September. Then Teal Season starting the 13th through the 28th (scouting report: birds are already showing-up in numbers). After that heading to Manitoba for 2 weeks to chase ducks and geese. Around two weeks later on the 2nd or 3rd of November starts our Duck and Goose season on the Texas Prairies...The great thing is that I have been spending 8 months preparing...I'm ready!!!

NY has NO Dove season, and after hunting Doves in PA since the 60's, to 2009 I feel lost. Sept. 1st meant the world to me, now it's first day of Squirrel Season. So instead of my Model 12 16ga I'll be using my bolt action .22. It's just not right... My Dove rig is stored and unused, and I sure as hell ain't gonna carve Squirrel Decoys!
September 1st is also the opener for local geese here in NY. Although I haven't hunted September geese in a few years. Just not enough time to scout the fields while the boys are in soccer and all the other beginning of the school year activities.

However we will likely take a few strolls in the woods to look for squirrels.

Just curious Mike, what type of fields do you hunt for geese? Is there much cropland that far north?
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Quite jealous you get to chase all your ducks this soon Mike. I'll be hitting a goose field with a few new hunters in hopes of knocking down their first birds then hopefully to an afternoon dove shoot.
I'll have to wait another week for teal.
Good luck to you and the boy!
Early resident giant Canada goose coincides with our first early teal season which opens on Monday...only downside is strong thunderstorms in the forecast with highs in the 70s. Not ideal decoying weather. I have a couple of dairy farms that granted access for geese about an hour south of me, so depending on the updated weather forecast, there are several options available.
I plan to be shooting a few doves on Monday. Might go easy with the pup but will try a few.
Snipe opens then also and this year we have some moisture that might keep them around. Hopefully we can get a few points on them.

I can wait a couple weeks for geese.

"Just curious Mike, what type of fields do you hunt for geese? Is there much cropland that far north?"

Guys get one cut of hay around here, so the second growth is about 4 - 6 inches high by Sept. That's the most common crop I'll see geese in. A big field would be 30 acres, most are small. I've got a line on about a 10 acre field of winter wheat that looks nice.

The big problem for us is that we have to be 1000 meters from a residence to shoot, unless we get permission from the owner of the house. I've got permission from the landowner, but I have to go see three neighbours to get the OK.

Early goose for me. It's too early to wear camo so I will wear bright clothes ,sit on the point and toss pebbles at my deke's
Yesterday I scouted the Mississippi (pool 11) and saw little activity but my son will join me for my 89th birthday Tuesday and we'll give it a shot. Teal and goose opens in Wis Labor day week end. Joe O sent me some bismuth shells to use in my 1940 Marlin o/u a gift from my dad on my leave during WW II. Always great to get on the Mississippi birds or no birds :)
wis boz
As a old hunter, in my years hunting, I think it is a wasted season. Crops are still in the ground, too warm, waste of time to shoot some local birds. NYS had a split season for years, give us 5 birds that week and go back to 2 for the rest of the season.
This year we have 3 geese... Do they want to rid the local birds or what??? Confusing???
Mike, I may sneak out with the canoe and try for a few ducks on Monday. We open as well.

BTW... I am thinking of taking a couple of weeks next summer and hauling my trailer up your way. If I want to fly fish for trout when is the ideal time?
September 1 is the start of holy season. Geese in the mornings then doves later in the day. Both doves and geese been working the wheat stubble pretty good. Most the wetlands I have permission for are about dry for the 3rd year in a row. Teal opens on the 6th but with no water in the wetlands I will need to travel to hunt teal.
First teal season in Michigan is close to 50 years so you betcha I am taking advantage. My son Michael will be getting a crack at the first few groups of bluewings to scream through then I imagine he will give me a turn. Hoping for enough for dinner!

It doesn't quite feel like fall yet but the evenings are getting cool and I am working on boats and gear so it must be getting close.
Yep...Goose and Dove here on Monday. Weird weather here and not many dove in my haunts but I'll be sitting somewhere in the pines after sneaking a few geese in the morning! I hope. Good luck to those headed out and be safe.
Our opener is on Tuesday for geese here in nova scotia limit of 8 in early season sept 2cnd to 16th in the north and the southern areas are sept 2cnd to sept 22 same limit in early season of 8
goose later drops back to 5 a day ...north season oct 1 to dec 31 south season oct 22 to jan 15..
I agree the early season will diminish our local brood stock our home flocks....But I have been pushing this idea where you don't shoot the big birds or leaders of the flock as they have as you will the hard drive for the flock,they know where to nest eat sleep etc and know the flight paths back n forth....so I preach to anyone who will listen shoot the younger birds the smaller ones....for those who are heading out...on Tuesday...Ive been asked to go and show a few new hunters the ropes. So this will be my first trip out for early geese. The young fella said bring your dawg and your daughter and then said its all about the next generation...So I think this young buck may be on the right track after all.. I hope I can show him a few things he doesn't know...
all the best this season everyone
may the hand of god steer birds your way on even the most blue bird day
The contractor i have been working for is going to maine for a long weekend so i have a lot planned. Im hoping to get up to Petes and finish up a bird or 2. Im going to the truck pulls tonight at a fair, hopefully get out crabbin once, take a woods walk for some shrooms.

Monday is squirrels for me then scouting the evening for geese for tuesday. Its time to start filling up the freezer again.