Youth Hunt - Gregory Decoys

Geoff Vine

Active member
Jack and I had a great morning yesterday. A good hunt in perfect weather with our trusty dog and some new decoys.

Jack preparing for the hunt...


The first duck of the day is retrieved in the fog...


Jack raises his gun...


Proof that Gregory decoys work like a charm...


A successful day all around...


Pat Gregory Teal in action...


A man and his dog...


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That looks great! I've been away from the Midwest long enough that I'm finding myself feelign nostalgic about stomping around in the marshes. Great looking pup as well. May want to have your son's gun checked out, in the last picture it looks like the barrel may have soem issues :).


Funny how that photo turned out...must be a new type of gun for shooting ducks around corners. I know Jack was just glad to be on dry land at that point. He had been in the "turret" about four hours straight.

Funny how that photo turned out...must be a new type of gun for shooting ducks around corners. I know Jack was just glad to be on dry land at that point. He had been in the "turret" about four hours straight.

I thought that might be a Dad's way of keeping the kid humble. :).
Great way to start my Sunday Morning Pictures with my coffee. Great Pictures & Read. Can't wait for opening day.

Dave D.
Looks like a great first hunt Geoff. Love the photo Todd pointed out. I should be out myself this morning but lo and behold it's actually raining here this morning and decided to stay home and drink coffee rather then brush the blind in the rain. Man we need the rain. Your marsh looks pretty good but here it was reported we don't have enough water to float a boat in front of our blind.
That's a very lucky boy to be able to take birds over such fine decoys. How old is your son? My sons are 8 and 10 and have been lots of times but weren't big enough to really handle the gun. Maybe this year my 10 year old will be ready. I don't think it gets much better than teaching the next generation about what we love so much. Good job!
Geoff and Jack - That is so cool! The real blessing is the time spent between father and son. Just so you know, a Geoff Vine green wing teal was also in my rig for 3 days this past weekend while hosting the New Jersey Boys from the Jode Hillman Auction. It serviced extremely well luring both bluewings and greenwings within gunshot the last 2 weeks. I appreciate it's contribution to my rig. I also appreciate you spending time with your son. Both you and Jack were blessed. Pat
Thanks guys.

I do my best, which is tough with these indoor technology kids these days. But when he said he could handle the hot seat without me being out there, and was actually paying attention and Id'ing ducks before I was, I knew I had something good going. He still does it because he knows it makes his old man happy...but slowly he'll do it be cause it makes him happy like it does his old man.

Pat, Thanks for the blessings. I promise you...I get much more than I give. Much much more.
I thoroughly enjoyed that, Geoff. What a great way to start a son out on ducks. Your pictures were superb! Made me wish that I was back in the midwest hunting where I learned to hunt in 1954. Seeing that slough brought back many memories of Ortonville and Big Stone county in Minnesota.
Thanks for this wonderful thread.