Readers Rigs


Pictures Page 2

Tom Jes

This is the flotilla, all loaded up and ready to go. Because I got the new boat so close to the duck season, the trailer was modified with as little effort as possible. It will be re-designed this summer to have the bigger boat on the bottom when funding for a rebuild becomes available.

This is my newest boat. It's the Carsten's Bluebill and we modified it a bit by adding the shelves to help get guns, shells and such off the floor of the boat. There is a shelf on each side. Additional storage space will be added later.

Here's a little closer look at the shelves that were added. Nothing fancy, but they work. The seats are being looked at for the additional storage space. They appear to be hollow so to maintain bouyancy, foam will be added to the sides so that the middle can be used to keep the clutter under control.

Pictures Page 2