Recent content by Bo Hanson

  1. Bo Hanson

    Cork question

    You cork carvers out there, what do you use to seal your decoys with? I am trying to find the traditions cork sealer but it seems to be out of stock everywhere I look. Any help for a rookie is greatly appreciated.
  2. Bo Hanson

    Canvasback Paint Colors - BEHR sample jars

    Thank you Steve! Very helpful and Your site is awesome!
  3. Bo Hanson

    STORIED HEADGEAR - Gunning hats you have owned

    My go to hat for 25 years + is the same as Mike?s. The trusty Filson.
  4. Bo Hanson


    Happy Easter Everyone! We will get through this together.
  5. Bo Hanson

    Hybrid- bag limit question

    I think you answered your own question in the way you worded the bird. Is a Hybrid Black Duck ..... If you call it a Hybrid Black Duck to a game warden I'm guessing that he will also count it as a Black Duck.
  6. Bo Hanson

    Floating Duck Blind on Barrels Help??

    Make sure you put doors on each side, nothing worse than crossing in front of everyone to get out to take a leak.
  7. Bo Hanson

    Paul Kingyon Calls

    I have several of Paul's calls. 2 that are still in the original unopened box that Paul sent me years ago. I still blow the same 2 that I got from Tom Kondrick when I bought my tdb from him. 2 great water fowling men were lost when they passed. There is a guy in California who is making calls...
  8. Bo Hanson

    Cinnamon toast---

    Great pictures! Cinnamon toast sounds good to me also. Grandma always made the best!
  9. Bo Hanson

    Add WI to the list of idiot legislators wishing to ban things

    How do these people get elected?
  10. Bo Hanson

    Washington state gun owners....

    Not sure who is the craziest politician out there?
  11. Bo Hanson

    Henry Illinois Decoy Show - pic heavy

    Thanks for sharing.
  12. Bo Hanson

    Lost a great man on Saturday...

    So sorry for your loss.
  13. Bo Hanson

    TDB or Bankes ?

    I've had the TDB 14 ft classic, and currently hunt from a TDB 17ft sea class. Wouldn't trade the tdb for nothing. Handles the big water just fine, hides well, holds a ton of stuff, trailers nice and doesn't kill your gas mileage when pulling it. I've had mine in Pamilco Sound NC, the Ohio River...
  14. Bo Hanson

    Your Favorite Gear

    Filson waterfowlers hat and tin cloth coat, plus my cats eyes hat light that clips onto the bill.
  15. Bo Hanson

    Season's End for Jarhead - Traveling Decoy

    Great way to finish up!