Tampa Urban Ducks


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Stopped at the storm water ponds down the street. These are about a 1/2 mile from Old Tampa Bay (west side of the peninsula).
First pond is wide open, about 50 greater scaup swimming around. I assume they are getting freshwater after feeding on the grass flats out on the bay proper, which is pretty salty. This flock is here every day, ratio of hens to drakes is about 50:50, impressive.

Second pond has a wooded island in the middle. It had a mix of mallard and mottled duck/ mallard hybrids, a group of 4 hen greaters and a single pair of greaters, and some gallinules. No black bellies today. A whole flock of white ibis flew up to me and started begging to be fed. Which must be a uniquely Florida thing. IMG_0392.jpegIMG_0395.jpeg


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I’m thinking the single drake in the bottoms pic is a hybridIMG_0383.jpeg


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Unfortunately, yep, to close to the road and right in town!
All the pics are from the same 2 ponds.