Turkey 2024

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member
The day started out at 18 degrees, a bit chilly. I walked back into the timber just before sunrise. Sat down and waited to see what might be happening this fine morning.

The geese off in the distance were making a racket, along with a few crows. Every now and then I'd hear a turkey gobble. A few times an owl would sound off.

And then it happened. I noticed a bit of movement behind me. A turkey was moving along between me and the riverbank 80 yards away. First there was one, then another, followed by yet a couple more. I lost count, but I'm guessing around a dozen turkeys filed past me. All males, which means they are still traveling in their bachelor groups.
Sorry that the photos are less than stellar, low light and an abundance of foliage.

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Eagerly awaiting turkey season here!!!!! I love seeing the strutting and gobbling season start up !!!

Got it. Thanks for the explanation. Glad to see you diving into photography.
Photography has always been a hobby I have dabbled in. Back in the days of "film" it was limited by available funds. When I switched to digital, it was and still is, a big learning curve with the post image software.

I had an unfortunate accident at the parking lot this morning.
My camera case came sliding out onto the ground as I opened the rear door on my truck. The end result was a couple broken filters, which have already had replacements ordered. Better to crush a filter than the end of the actual lens.