Bought my first airboat. Any tips?


New member
I ran into a deal that I couldn't pass up. It's 12 footer with a o-290 lycoming 4 banger. It's been sitting for a few years, and currently has no spark. Going to try sanding the points once I get some bolts to hold the flywheel on to get it running in the yard since the prop is junk. I don't know much about aircraft motors does anyone have a checklist to go through on these? I did at least find a good source to buy AV gas from. Also possibly looking for someone that works on these near the thumb of Michigan.
Call the FBO at your nearest small airport. They'll be able to refer you to an aircraft mechanic. Many small airports have 24 hour self serve, if you can get through the gate you might be able to fill 5 gallon gas cans with 100LL. Perhaps while the mechanic looks over your new toy.
There are a lot of pilots that care for their own aircraft and are very good. Ask around. My doctor took care of all his planes and got his airframe license.
Hey Chance, I run airboats for a living doing aquatic vegetation management, I would recommend what SJ said and go to a small airport but if you want to do the work yourself here’s a few thing I’ve ran into with 6 bangers we have. it could be bad mags or the points on the distributer are corroded also will need to clean carb change spark plugs. And change oil most likely 100w oil. Also those fiber glass hauls are prone to cracking and rotting check for soft spots. Most like with need to replace the poly sheet on the bottom of the hull. Also depending where you are located a lot of parts are hard/expensive to find and would suggest trying to collect spares just to have on hand.
The glass boats do handle a lot better than a hard chine alum boat. Lots of people have been injured by the props coming apart. With a boat out of commission that long, I'd want someone to inspect the prop, and also the connection to the engine.
The glass boats do handle a lot better than a hard chine alum boat. Lots of people have been injured by the props coming apart. With a boat out of commission that long, I'd want someone to inspect the prop, and also the connection to the engine.
I was thinking the same. The picture makes it appear that the prop is an old, weathered wood prop with a metal leading edge. If it comes apart, yikes.
If I can't find anyone that's more of an airboat guy I'll call some other small airports. Unfortunately our local one gave me a hard no. I'll definitely be replacing the the prop like I said in the first post it's junk. Thanks for the tips guys and any other advice would be appreciated. I'm currently digging into the points at the moment.