The Day the Duck Hunters Died by Tom Davis
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"Nothing escaped "the winds of hell" and the deadly, suffocating snows that swept across the Upper Midwest on that fateful day in 1940"
Guys and gals
Are there any good readings on the storm? A buddy and I were talking about it and we both shared similar interests and thought I would surprise him with it.
Was hoping specifically related to Duck Hunting portion of the storm.
Thanks in advance
I believe Gordon MacQuarrie also wrote about the storm.
Dave Hagerbaumer was in that storm. He and a friend barely made it off an island where they were hunting. He wrote about it in his book The Bottoms. That book is very hard to find and copies are expensive. Dave told me about that day several times. What I found interesting was he said vast flocks of mallards came in front of the storm. He said they all started drinking soon after landing, making him think they had flown from a great distance. My guess many of you will be familiar with the name Hagerbaumer. In his day he was a noted painter of waterfowl and upland birds. And the most complete waterfowler I have ever met. He got his start in waterfowling taking care on his uncle's live decoys and shot his first duck in 1929.