Possible Resources Misunderstanding?

Eric Patterson

Staff member
I recently had someone contact me looking for a resource. They were able to find it after I pointed out the orange "Download" button in the top right of the page. When I look at recent resource items I see WAY more page visits than downloads, like the below example with 27 visits and only one download (mine!). So either folks go and look not intending to download the resource, or they can't find it. Or maybe they are confusing the pictures (blue arrow) as the entirety of the resource which in most cases is just supplementary information to what is behind Orange download button (pdf files, high res drawings, etc.).

Anyone care to let me know what folks who don't work with this system everyday are seeing when they go to a resource? Why so few downloads to visits? Not all the resources are like this but enough to raise these questions in my mind.

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I've been around awhile. Earliest I remember looking at the page was in 2000. I had started a new job with the forest service and had found this site and I can remember showing a co-worker the boats on here. So I can remember when the Devlin build was documented with easy to find links. I think that is what the problem is. The more times I have to click to get to something the greater the odds are I'm not gonna find it. I'm not complaining at all just an observation. This is the best site on the internet and I sure do thank you, Eric, and all those that add content!

That is something I'll keep in mind. As the site grows in content and we use vendor software that isn't easily/cheaply modified, I only have so much ability to keep navigation clicks small. I know exactly what you are saying, but developers evidently have a different philosophy.

Thank you.

That is something I'll keep in mind. As the site grows in content and we use vendor software that isn't easily/cheaply modified, I only have so much ability to keep navigation clicks small. I know exactly what you are saying, but developers evidently have a different philosophy.

Thank you.
Eric, I think it may be just a matter of "curiosity". In the above example the thread title is the draw, the photos and quick summary is enough to satisfy the impulse interest and there is no need to click on the download button.

The other possible issue could be that "downloading" may be looked upon as more of a "commitment" by the user, more so than simply viewing what's displayed without "downloading". I don't know.

I think you are right. I went back and looked at a bunch more of the entries and sorted them by date. The older they are the disparity between views and downloads closes. I suspect when the notification post goes up folks click out of curiosity, just like you said, and don't go further. Then as time goes by those that look at a resource are on a bit of a mission and more likely to go all the way down the rabbit hole.