Not a bowl, not a cup, not a platter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member
My friend gave me an old weather chunk of unidentified wood sliced from the side of a tree. The piece was "how many years old?", weathered a grayish color and covered in bird droppings. I thought to myself, "looks just like a cowpie in a cow pasture".
First thing I did was let it sit in my garage for another year, lonely and neglected. Next, I power washed it and again let it dry out. After it was dry, it had promise that it could become something,,,,,,, but what?

The wood was/is soft and punky. I don't have the means the put it in a vacuum chamber and stabilize it. The wood is not going to handle a tenon nor a mortice, plus I didn't wish to lose any of the profile and character of the piece.
So I glued a waste block to the flat side, put the work piece between centers and turned a chucking tenon on the waste block.

Here is the results of my efforts; It is just a receptacle to throw loose change, keys, and/or any other "crap" which accumulates in ones pocket over the course of the day.
