Thankfully, no family history so the home test is an option
I would do this first with your history. I(66 y/o) did it last year and because of a slight anomaly I did have to do the colonoscopy, which was also negative with no problem. I had read about the home test a few months prior to all of this because I was due, discussed with my physician and he agreed I should do that first. So even though I had to go ahead and get the colonoscopy done after, the home test is good enough for many people and the veracity of it is very good on negative results. Because of my age I have had a few colonoscopy's by now, and while the procedure itself is very low risk and the worst part is the prep, you don't really need it if your results on the home test are benign. By all means discuss with your physician first, but remember that you always have to be your own advocate in health care and your physician should be receptive to your inquiry. Remember also that in many areas these days MD's are part of a larger health system, the big brother always wants as much as they can get and sometimes influences the first message you get (time for a colonoscopy) and the question may elicit the response I got (yes, do the home test first). Especially with the family history(mine was the same as yours).
Blake, glad to hear you have some improvement already. It is likely that since you caught it so fast you will have a much shorter time to deal with it.