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    New Site Format Thread

    I agree with Charles

    A follow up to my post about boat trailer jack

    I'll post a picture of the completed job. The only reason for 3 variants is they are on 3 different boat trailers, which one was sold

    A follow up to my post about boat trailer jack

    Your braunschweiger as a barter tool is no good here. Lol. But this is what you need. Maybe I'll make a post of the complete project. This is the 3rd variation.

    What's on your Workbench - November 2023

    Eric, Came out amazing. Great work.

    A follow up to my post about boat trailer jack

    I welded on the plate with my mig, then bolted the tire assembly on. The greese zerk was made of cheap metal and fell apart then I attempted to tighten it up. Luckily I had a metric threaded replacement on hand. I am glad to report that the tire worked great. I pushed the boat out of the...

    A follow up to my post about boat trailer jack

    In my typical overkill manner, I used my mill to drill out the plate, which is going to be welded to the trailer jack

    A follow up to my post about boat trailer jack

    This is the replacement 10" pneumatic tire. I had to decide if I would weld it on the trailer jack directly, which would make the project almost complete, but the probability of over heating the plate and bearing prevented me from doing that

    A follow up to my post about boat trailer jack

    I want to share my final, I hope, solution to my trailer jack wheel problem. As posted earlier, when pushing my boat, the trailer wheel would keep going in the direction it was pointing and made it more difficult than it should be to push the rig out of my garage. I have poor to very poor...

    The latest South Bay Restoration - coming down to the Finish Line

    Beautiful work. I love it! I want a South Bay more every time you post a restoration.
  10. MIKE-SID

    sore leg not withstanding -------

    Nice work Dave. Wood ducks and geese What else does a waterfowler need?
  11. MIKE-SID

    Goose dinner for sure

    Nice job Dave. Something about calling geese into your decoys on the water never gets old for me. Now how are you cooking it?
  12. MIKE-SID

    Trailer jack with wheel that actually swivels

    I ordered a 10" pneumatic swivel wheel for my trailer jack. The only problem will be that my current wheel is part of the jack. I'll have to cut and weld it on. I'll figure it out when it is in hand. Thank you all for the thoughtful comments and help.
  13. MIKE-SID

    Careful with those carving knives

    Ouch!! It hurts just thinking about it. You need to build up a layer of fat for safety sake. Keep it clean, and hoping for a speedy healing process.
  14. MIKE-SID

    Fresh selections available on the dinner menu

    That's a great day in my book! What time will dinner be served? I'm waiting for Saturday the 7th, for our one week early season to start.
  15. MIKE-SID

    New Site Format Thread

    First, thank you for all the work you are doing for us. I think if we start fresh, but keep our current user profiles that would be fine. If this site just gets frozen as is, it's like starting a new chapter in a book, always able to go back and look, at the previous chapter, which is this site.
  16. MIKE-SID

    Waterfowl hunter numbers on the decline in both the U.S. and Canada

    As far as I can tell the state has 2 guys running the program. They do give classes among many other things, many things. But my point is that all the other instructors are volunteers. My opinion is that the state doesn't care.
  17. MIKE-SID

    Waterfowl hunter numbers on the decline in both the U.S. and Canada

    Hunter decline, and living in the gun hostile state of CT. Is the reason I continue to be a hunter education instructor. Interesting point is that most classes fill up in hours or days.
  18. MIKE-SID

    Trailer jack with wheel that actually swivels

    Agreed! I want to stand up straight, not crawl on my belly moving my boat. I guess we are dreamers
  19. MIKE-SID

    Trailer jack with wheel that actually swivels

    I do have a trailer dolly, and will probably go back to using it. It would be nice to be able to just use the trailer jack, if the wheel swiveled. The more I think this is the best solution.
  20. MIKE-SID

    Trailer jack with wheel that actually swivels

    I will check that tonight. I was thinking of modifying it so I can put a real bearing there.