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    The boat is rated for a 50 hp engine
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    Just bought a new (used) duck boat and I am debating what size engine to put on it? The boat is a semi-v 16 foot whit a 70"beam and weighs 500 lbs. I hunt primarily on small lakes and occasionally the Ohio river. I want a hand tiller and an engine that I can put on and off by my self. I am 68 so...
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    Basswood head cut outs

    Please send mean e-maIL with photos. What size body are they designed for ?
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    Jon Boat modifications question

    Pick up a copy of WILDFOWL magazine there is an article about how a guy built a removable solid blind out of aluminum sheet. Pretty slick blind.
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    aluminum diamond plate sneak!

    Please post pictures when the 15 footer is ready.
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    Local hunters boat capsizes

    They wer't thinking period.
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    Duck boat Project nearing completion

    Earnie; I did a goggle search on Sun Fiberglass Inc.and came up with nothing. I contacted the chamber of commerence at Manistee MI but have never heard from them. I too would like to find out more about these boats. Maybe some else on this site has information about this company.
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    Duck boat Project nearing completion

    I have the same boat. It was built by Sun River Canoe, Sun Fiberglss Inc., Manistee MI. My boat was built in 1989 and is a Union Bay Model. It is 15'9'' in length and 52 wide. Rated for a 10 hp engine and a 1000lbs. max capacity. The boat I have has floatation built in the front and rear. I call...
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    Painted picklefronds

    That duck looks like he has a real ATTITUDE.
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    E Allen decoys 2 teal 1 shovler unpainted

    Excuse me but if your shovler is still for sale I would like to buy it.
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    light weigt trailer

    Terry can you send me a picture ?
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    light weigt trailer

    Looking for a light weight trailer for a 16 foot marsh boat weighs 120 lbs.
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    Scaup Project F/S

    Wouldyou please send pictures to
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    Arthur Armstrong TDB 16 Scull Boat

    The boat has been sold
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    Arthur Armstrong TDB 16 Scull Boat

    I have a buyer who wants to buy thr trailer will sell boat and oar for $1800.00
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    Camoflaging an outboard?

    I tilt my motor up and throw a sheet of fast grass over it period.
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    Arthur Armstrong TDB 16 Scull Boat

    In response to why the red flag on the back of the boat, I had a young chick on a cell phone dringing a cup of coffee almost plow into my boat. She said quote " I didn't see the boat."
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    Arthur Armstrong TDB 16 Scull Boat

    Price reduced to $2000.00
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    Arthur Armstrong TDB 16 Scull Boat

    Posting pictures has baffeld me. Can somebody help?
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    Arthur Armstrong TDB 16 Scull Boat

    For sale 2002 Arthur Armstong TDB 16 two man scull boat, plus oar and rebuilt trailer( new wheels, winch, coupler, bearinf buddies, and bunks.) This boat is in excellant condition has never been stored outside. Go to for pictures and stats. Price $2200.00