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  1. Don Shearer

    Photos from yesterday

    Hitch, Very impessive. Please keep the photos coming. My best, Don Shearer
  2. Don Shearer

    Duck die-off in Idaho

    Hi, I was sent this link from a friend of mine. I hope this ends up being a contained incident.
  3. Don Shearer

    Good Day & Bonus

    John, Thanks! I look forward to seeing them. My best, Don
  4. Don Shearer

    Good Day & Bonus

    John, Congratulations on a fine day. What kind of boat do you have? If you have any photos of it hidden with the camo laid out I would really appreciate it if you would post some of them. I bet that boat absolutely disappears.
  5. Don Shearer

    portable table saws

    George, I have this saw and I really like it. I wish I had the stand with wheels it comes with now. I have a stationary stand for the saw and it is a bit heavy to be luging around. It does have the most power of any "portable" saw I have ever used. If I had the dollars and space I would...