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  1. Bob M

    2021- 22 Massachusetts waterfowl season out yet ?

    I heard there were some changes coming to Massachusetts waterfowl season this year. Anyone know when the dates come out ? Thanks Bob
  2. Bob M

    I love chocolate

    Enjoy the journey Dave
  3. Bob M

    3 years

    I hope it's been a great journey so far Phil
  4. Bob M

    wanted 20 ga.turkey loads

    No problem Joe
  5. Bob M

    wanted 20 ga.turkey loads

    They truly are
  6. Bob M

    wanted 20 ga.turkey loads

    3" 1 1/4 #6 Remington Hevi-Shot $30 for 10
  7. Bob M

    Anybody know this guy ??

    That video must be before he retired. He cleans up real nice
  8. Bob M

    wanted 20 ga.turkey loads

    Sorry Joe, all I have is Remington Hevi-Shot Turkey loads
  9. Bob M

    wanted 20 ga.turkey loads

    What size shot Joe ?
  10. Bob M

    Mounting Flap Boards

    Whoa Whoa Steve ! Macy's never told Gimbels what they do !!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  11. Bob M

    Estuary II - SOLD

    WOW Beautiful boat Roy , just wish the deck was glass
  12. Bob M

    Meyer?s decoys
  13. Bob M

    Duck Invader 13 Owners - Pics

    It's a nice little boat. A TON of room and draws no water. Good Luck with yours.
  14. Bob M

    Anyone running a Yamaha 25 HP 4 Stroke?

    I think 105 lb LOL
  15. Bob M

    Anyone running a Yamaha 25 HP 4 Stroke?

    Well that's disappointing Jode . I was hoping Yamaha solved the problem of finding a lightweight 25hp.
  16. Bob M

    New Boat Is Here!

    You don't want to know LOL
  17. Bob M

    Im giving's time for a sneakbox

    HAHAHAHA there is NO one duck boat that does it all no matter what anyone tells you
  18. Bob M

    Shotgun of Choice?

    ONLY OLD Remingtons 1965 Wingmaster 1975 1100 11-87 Premier
  19. Bob M

    Im giving's time for a sneakbox

    The one to the left is a Higbee I believe Blake