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  2. bob welsh

    What's On Your Workbench -June

    Here's a small batch of Doc Baumgartner inspired bluebills .White cedar and oil. These are tiny 10x6 bodies
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  5. bob welsh

    Story from Fifth Grade

    That was 1975 ish so yeah different times. One time at Old Comiskey Park watching the White Sox game we even had off duty Chicago coppers buy us beers(Falstaff) . I don't know how i got out of the 70s without to much damage. Less than 10 years later I saw the light and haven't had a cold one in...
  6. bob welsh

    Story from Fifth Grade

    When we were teenagers we would go on canoe trips and always stop below the rapids and look for beers that fell out of someone's canoe after they dumped on the rocks. The water was so clear you could see the shiny cans on the bottom. Playing river roulette reaching down and coming up with an ice...
  7. bob welsh

    Excellent Podcast on Today's Waterfowl Populations Just Released by Ramsey Russell.

    Ive been tuning in Ramsey"s podcast since you mentioned it on the forum a bit ago. Questions that have been bouncing around in my head get expertly answered. I appreciate his candor ,as a duck hunter,funded by hunting related advertisers to ask guests questions that may not further commerce...
  8. bob welsh

    Momarsh Fatboy DP motor bracket height question

    thank you, I can easily fab it up but could not find the correct height for a longtail
  9. bob welsh

    Momarsh Fatboy DP motor bracket height question

    I recently picked up a fatboy and it was missing the aluminum motor bracket. Im going to be using a longtail 6 hp on it. If anyone can get a tape on the height of the bracket I would appreciate it. I guess you can run it with a trolling motor or regular outboard or the longtail but not sure if...
  10. bob welsh

    What's On Your Workbench? - May

    Those are a mix of restle geese and Otter geese. On the back of the painted bird there is a sharpie for size comparison.Body size is about 26 inches from tail to breast.14 done so far
  11. bob welsh

    ID Help. Double ender sneak boat.

    Hard to tell but the bottom planking is running the length of the boat, common in dory construction. That way the seams are always wet and swelled up.
  12. bob welsh

    What's On Your Workbench? - May

    Working on remaking canadas and specks into giant pintails. Cut heads off and molded a huge head. Made the tails from red cedar shingles and glassed with some scrap pieces of cloth and epoxied into position. so far 14 under construction.
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  15. bob welsh

    Hunting History Meet Up !

    I was there most of the day On Thursday and attended the auction preview. Birds that have been in collections for 4o years and have been well documented in photos are seeing the light of day again. You just can't get the soul of a decoy through a photo, here, you can handle the decoys once...
  16. bob welsh

    Hunting History Meet Up !

    I,ll see you there. Folks if you are in the area do yourself a favor and attend. If you are looking for the missing link in your collection you can probably find it here.
  17. bob welsh

    What's on your work bench?-April

    sorry I can't seem to get my pics to spin right
  18. bob welsh

    What's on your work bench?-April

    Here is a pair of Cans that is part of a rig of 14 that I recently finished. Hollow cedar,oil paint. All that's left is rigging.
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  20. bob welsh

    What's on your work bench?-April

    Eric, Waterlox is the best for this application.