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  1. bob welsh

    Foam teal project

    Put some feather detail on the backs just because. I made some basic stencils and then went back with a fine brush and painted the centers and cleaned them up a bit. It's easier to paint the feathers this way without the heads on.
  2. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    I built one also like you described and it worked perfectly but I made it for a spur of the moment hunt and it fell apart after a few seasons
  3. bob welsh

    Foam teal project

    thanks for the kind words to all and especially to all that have chimed in with suggestions and tips. To reference one of my earlier posts in this thread, our Top Men have been a good resource to me in this project. I have taken a couple of weeks off and have been at the cabin up north in MN...
  4. bob welsh

    Another sunfish conversion.

    At this stage I would lather up the exposed plywood surfaces with epoxy to seal it and float test it before you go to far. See how it trims out with you and the motor and approximate load. Right now it's a guess. My concern would be given it's a sailboat hull it may squat in the stern a bit. my...
  5. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    Ed, yes R&R.
  6. bob welsh

    August what's on your workbench

    Eric the blind looks good . Always easier to build it in the shop than on site and rely on chainsaw carpentry. While it's inside and have access to every tool imaginable , i can think of a couple of extras that are nice to have . Cut some notches for gun barrels in the front wall 2x4 put in a...
  7. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    These were old stock that a dealer in the quad cites had and he made me a deal on all three. His manufacturer does molding for Jon Deere parts and squeezes him in when there is open time . Unfortunately he can't get the line to shut down for his small run.
  8. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    I ended up cutting off the boot bag portion of the layout as is served no purpose and i'm only hinging the portion where the top framework comes across. That way i can lift up the front and enter or exit if i can't swing my leg over in deeper water.
  9. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    I sewed the new grassing strips on it and added grommets .
  10. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    total height is 35 inches above water line. Maybe a little tall but it depends on the background.
  11. bob welsh

    mudbob water walker

    I picked up 3 of these in March. They are made in Iowa . Designed for helping access tough to get at soft bottom spots. They have a nice website if you want to learn more. I bought them for that purpose but i am adding a twist of my own. I built up a pvc framework about a foot tall then got an...
  12. bob welsh

    First Birthday gifts for the Grandsons - Decoys and Rocking Geese: delivered, ridden and floated

    Nice work, put the decoys through the toddler test. If the birds survive, they can take anything a duck hunter can dish out. Bob
  13. bob welsh

    Foam teal project

    I attached the heads with a 3 inch deck screw going through a cable clamp and a 1 1/2 stainless washer. Glued the heads with construction adhesive. The heads have a built up inner post that took the screw well.
  14. bob welsh

    Foam teal project

    43 drake's ready to rig.Waiting on more heads. I need about 125 teal heads to go. I came back from MN for 10 days to work on decoys plant millett and upgrade the fleet. Happy with the drakes although I added a little white on the head separating the green and brown and it's barely there in the...
  15. bob welsh

    Herters decoy line storage question.

    Josh , what's your take on the orange webbing to simulate feet on the bottom? Worth the trouble?
  16. bob welsh

    What's on your workbench June 2022

    mottled ducks I started painting. Herters 72s in real bad shape had to epoxy and walnut shell the surface. Scratch painted heads will go back and highlight with small brushstrokes.