Search results

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    PINTAILS - Rehabbing some Herter's 63s and 50s

    Steve, Very Nice Job On Them All.
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    March 2017 - What's on your workbench?

    Steve, Beautiful Black Duck Decoy , I am sure he is very Proud to have it . It was very nice of you to do one for him & he will always treasure it.
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    March 2017 - What's on your workbench?

    Steve, Beautiful Painting Of The Owl
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    March 2017 - What's on your workbench?

    Steve, Beautiful Bird, I am sure Anthony is very Pleased & Proud to have it & will treasure it .
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    The 2017 Long Island Decoy Show "On The Falling Tide"

    Steve & Craig, Great Job on Putting this whole tape & show together.Will be very Glad to get my copy. Thanks again for all your sincere efforts.
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    Photo Backdrop for Decoys

    STEVE, Great job on the photo back drop ,Thanks for posting.
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    Rescuing A Rail Skiff *Updated with text and pics*

    Nice workmanship on the restoration, Beautiful looking design
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    hopes and dreams

    I dont know this to be true World wide, But one of my freinds who went abroad on vacation noticed that all boats with outboards were running with 2 strock motors, that 2 strock are still being mfg. of any Horsepower in all foreign countries, for there emissions are more laxed then in the US.
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    Almost Over...

    Craig, Great video, You really get my heart pumping seeing those Hunting trips. It brings back found memories of my earlier yrs & all the great shoots & times I had enjoying the Sport I really miss not being able to go, for my health issues havent allowed me. Thanks for Sharing. Wish you well...
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    Gunning Box

    Brian , Contact Marty Kristiansen in Little Silver NJ. He had two different models on display at the tuckerton Show , With all the canvas cover for the cockpit etc Excellent design to take all weather conditions, this is the type that most N, J, hunters are using. Marty # is 732-977-5648...
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    A Good Couple Days

    Craig, Your so right when you say temp & snow & ice make a big difference when it comes to good puddle duck shooting , Thanks for the pictures, & congratulation on winning the Gun Stay in touch,
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    need decoys repainted

    Look up George Williams in Delaware, He does a fine job, its right up his alley.Or Steve Sanford in L.I.
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    Oldsquaw Photos

    Steve, Great Photos Steve , Nice reference for carving & Painting
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    DIY foam Layout

    Having various lay out boats over my many years of hunting , building a few of my own , I feel your material is going to be one to fragile , to light , not going to be able to take any kind of rough water not tow well etc ,just a few of my experiences. I do complement you on your efforts though...
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    Sinking decoy line...

    Nate , Go to a fishermen supply co. that sells to commercial fisherman they have all good stuff & buy a roll of black braided nylon it will sink & not tangle very easily. O buy the roll of decoy line from Cabela's.
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    Question for owners of sneakboxes

    Steve, Thanks for posting Marty's boat & cockpit canvas arrangement. as you saw at my house mine is the same .Believe the design has a lot more flexibility for rough water as well get out of bad weather Rain Or Snow. Yours work very well as well. Hope you are having a good season , Happy New...
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    Question for owners of sneakboxes

    Nice job Steve on your explanation of all various types Steve You missed the Marty Kristiansen method As well as mine set up the same way. Should help the guy a lot in his decision. Thanks PAUL
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    RI hunt w/ a sad Wrangler twist

    Scott, Its a trip I will never forget. I must say i have enjoyed the hunting experience of the last 50 some yrs. now because of health reasons i have been forced to give up the sport. It just shocks me how the new generation has taken over with such carelessness & non respect for rough water a...
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    RI hunt w/ a sad Wrangler twist

    Scott, seeing & hearing the story of the Jeep wrangler getting swamped . I have to tell you of A simulere experience i had back in the 60'S when we did not have any cell phones.I will call it an unfortunate mistake also some what stupid. i do not have any photos but when i describe the accident...
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    Passing it on

    Jeff, Just an update on terry, Terry is a very good friend of mine we have carved & hunted together, & competed against each other . He Makes a very fine decoy.One of the Best around. His favorite claim to fame are his Pintail decoys.He won with one at the World in the hunting decoy division...