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    simple garage tool decoy carving

    Nice article. I am impressed with how you kept it simple enough in every aspect that it would encourage neophytes to give it a try. You covered a lot of ground, simply, clearly, and effectively. For a follow up article in future issues of that magazine, could I suggest an article on simple...
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    Pat Gregory and Illini fellas

    I am glad to hear he is still alive. I haven't been to a decoy show since about 1995, so when I heard Charley might have passed, I had no other information to go on. The best part of Charley's birds was uniformity. He was a lot like the Mason Factory in that respect. His patterns...
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    Pat Gregory and Illini fellas

    It should be signed on the bottom, or initialled. There were two Illinois dealers/carvers who did decoys to give out at the World's in Stuttgart, Charley Moore, and Dave Friar. The one in the pic looks like a Charley Moore bird and paint job. Generally the decoys given out by the chamber to...
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    Don't know about Pat's decoy, but every Pirnie I owned or handled was solid, and everyone had the "Pirnie" brand on the bottom.......
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    diver duck calls..............

    In a previous post, I asked for input regarding duck calls, meaning mallard calls. In the replies, several duckboat members referred to their mallard calls and separately to their "diver calls" in a way that implied they had acquired specifically made and tuned calls for diver calling...
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    outlaw duck calls and other contemporary calls..

    thanks for adding some great humor. I love it when someone reminds me that duck hunting is supposed to be fun, and not to take it so seriously.....
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    Foamer Tutorial

    Impressive use of materials! I wish I could get foam of this dimension for merely picking it up off the beach! I really appreciate this tutorial, as I wanted to make some foamers with burlap covering. Seeing it all laid out encourages me to "just do it" this summer. My biggest hurdle...
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    I share your admiration for Pirnie decoys, and own several. I am always looking to acquire more. In 1986, I sold one of my all time favorite decoys, a Pirnie widgeon, to help fund my son's college education. I have looked for years to find another, with no success. Ah, the joys and...
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    Run on Zack Taylor's Successful Waterfowling at Amazon

    In a previouos post I asked for help in finding information and plans for a Zack Boat, and members came through like gangbusters, recommending the book Successful Waterfowling by Zack Taylor as a resource. I was at work yesterday, so couldn't complete the Amazon order, but since...
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    zack boat information, plans and/or instructions

    thanks for getting me to that link of past threads.........great information. My riff on a Zackbox was a bit different than any of the ones posted, but if I do another one, I'll probably blend all the ideas together into one dynamite little duck chaser! Thanks again...... Mike
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    outlaw duck calls and other contemporary calls..

    Please, give me some input as to the calls you use, and what you like about them! Thanks...........
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    outlaw duck calls and other contemporary calls..

    thanks for the post, but help me out............I understand your esthetic concern, plus the concern that the "outlaw" image is a negative that many sportsmen and women object to. So if this call's name and images on it offend you, what call do you use, and what calls can you recommend? As...
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    zack boat information, plans and/or instructions

    Many years ago (as a teenager or young adult, I am 62 now!), I saw, in a Field and Stream or Outdoor Life magazine, pictures and descriptions of a duck boat termed the "Zack Boat", named I believe after its originator, Zack Taylor. It was made by cutting down the top half of a standard...
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    outlaw duck calls and other contemporary calls..

    I am a call junky, and I love buying and owning good calls, even if they stay in a drawer while I take my old dependables out in the field. My favorite mallard call and the call I use best is a 1970's Danny Sprague (Former World Champion from Buffalo, Iowa) single reed call. I have never found...
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    Quid pro quo.........

    Gosh, I wish I could help you. There are some great carvers in Ohio and Michigan though.......... If I can help long distance with patterns, criticism, ideas, etc., let me know. Mike
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    Quid pro quo.........

    I talked with Rick about setting up a painting weekend in April (cooler). Surprised he has not contacted you about that. It would be a Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday to paint a gunning bluebill drake and a gunning bluebill hen. Carving is okay during summer, just depends on dates...
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    Quid pro quo.........

    I can carve and paint effective, good looking, good riding, wooden or wooden and cork decoys. I can teach you to do the same. If you live in central or northern WI and want to learn to carve and paint your own decoys, and hunt over them 2013-14, reply to this post and let's get started. In...
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    Northern Wisconsin waterfowling networking needed

    Get maps of the registered blinds in the pools you want to hunt, then take the time to run the blind areas before the season, learning the blinds sites and trying to predict which ones might offer some okay gunning. The illinois DNR should be able to get you blind maps. Registered blinds work...
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    Northern Wisconsin waterfowling networking needed

    I have not learned how to PM on this site. How do I do it? thanks, Mike