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  1. Anthony Fata

    Hank "The Machine"

    Sorry to hear of your loss, but do not feel ashamed for if you did not care you would show no emotion. It is an overwhelming feeling losing a dear friend stay strong, you will get through the pain and one day the memory of the loss will be replaced with the memories that you shared together.
  2. Anthony Fata

    Resident Geese Euthanasia on long Island

    That would be a great time for sure.
  3. Anthony Fata

    Long Island Duck/Goose Hunting

    i swear i was not drinking when i wrote this sorry guys, yeah i looked up the public land pass and got that squared away. I also found a place fairly close to my house that i will try to scout this summer. Thanks for the info
  4. Anthony Fata

    Resident Geese Euthanasia on long Island

    Another article said the resident geese are in major numbers due to Sandy. there calling this there quick fix and said that once the get rid of this surge of geese next year will still be less numbers and would stay that way. i would think that a storm surge of that nature would have pushed all...
  5. Anthony Fata

    Long Island Duck/Goose Hunting

    Check it out and filled it and sent it in that you i found an area close to me in Riverhead as well thanks
  6. Anthony Fata

    Resident Geese Euthanasia on long Island How does every one else feel about this new idea they have come up with. I wish they would just open another season and us hunters would be glad to help out. Wish they would go about this in...
  7. Anthony Fata

    Long Island Duck/Goose Hunting

    Yeah you are correct no boat and money is very slim right now. the biggest problem i am having for my area is you need a permit through the town for shore and blind hunts. if your on a boat it is different but boats cost money, school cost more money ha. I am going to start to save up for sure...
  8. Anthony Fata

    Long Island Duck/Goose Hunting

    Thank you i will check them out.
  9. Anthony Fata

    Need to re home a rescue lab

    Sorry to hear its not working out, its also hard when you have become attached. I do not really have any advice for you but just wanted you to know that i was sorry and hope that everything works out for you because i understand how hard of a decision this is.
  10. Anthony Fata

    5 weeks already!

    Very nice, Good luck with them Doug, I am Away at school right now and wish i had my pup right next to me!!!!
  11. Anthony Fata

    Long Island Duck/Goose Hunting

    Never thought of that route thank you
  12. Anthony Fata

    Long Island Duck/Goose Hunting

    Hello Fellow Hunters, My Name is Anthony and I live out on the east end of long island. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on hunting the east end. I am new to the waterfowl scene for this area. I will be out of school finally and will be able to dedicate a lot of time to the...