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  1. P

    SELA Style attn: Mr Al Hansen

    My sons and I share the exact same sentiment! "It doesn't get any better than this.".....but then somehow it does! Folks that have never experienced a true shoreline lunch of fresh catch or fresh harvest can't even relate to what many of us are blessed to experience.
  2. P

    SELA Style attn: Mr Al Hansen

    I started taking my boys to SE La when they were 6 and 9 years old. We used to tent camp for a week downriver back in the day of pre-paid phone cards. I would call my bride and tell her we were heading out when we left the launch. She wouldn't hear from us for a week. Talk about a trusting bride!
  3. P

    SELA Style attn: Mr Al Hansen

    I can't make this post without sharing how incredible our retriever did! "Cooper" is a beast and this is his 3rd hunting season. He did a phenomenal job holding while ducks were working, not "talking" when they landed in the decoys and staying steady after the shot! He has come a long way...
  4. P

    SELA Style attn: Mr Al Hansen

    My son's and I made an incredible weeklong trip to a place that's really special in my heart, the Southeast Louisiana Gulf marsh. I have made this drive for nearly 21 years now and after getting in at 1:30 Friday morning, both my son's texted me yesterday and said they're ready to go back...
  5. P

    In These Times, The Gift of Woods and Waters

    No better place to be with family or friends! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Larry!
  6. P

    Layout Hunting

    A classic song and singer! Wish the birds cooperated for you! Have you tried flagging? My dad would wave his white handkerchief to get those divers attention. Man I miss those days!
  7. P

    My 5th duck hunt this year

    I've been completely out of touch at our camp on a week of duck hunting in SE Louisiana Gulf marsh. I love reading about your hunts Mr. Al! Congrats on the Scotch double!
  8. P

    Refurb or burn....

    I gave one of my homemade wooden mud boats a Viking funeral last year. I hated the way it ran and I got thrown out of it once when it slid out of control on deep water. We filled it full of sticks and limbs, poured old gasoline on it and I threw a flare into it.............that sucker was...
  9. P

    Hey Carl, how's the weather?

    Stay safe! I'm ready for hurricane season to be over!
  10. P

    Hey Carl, how's the weather?

    What a screwy looking storm! I hope y'all are okay in the Sunshine State and stay safe! I'll be headed to Louisiana tomorrow night and then to camp in the SE La marsh. It ought to be interesting to see what duck food is left after Hurricane Zeta beat down the West side of the marsh. Big...
  11. P

    Looking for suggestions...

    I'd say Nebraska, Kansas or Missouri might be your best bet.
  12. P

    To the folks about to get hit by Zeta...hunker down and good luck!

    I'm so ready for hurricane season to be over! My Cajun brethren have taken it on the chin so many times this year it's got to be maddening. All of my buddies are at their homes and gonna ride this one out. Praying for safety for all in this storms path!
  13. P

    Fast and chaotic morning!

    Outstanding hunt and perfect duck weather!!!
  14. P

    Built a home bird plucker and processing station

    Great setup! I remember days of plucking ducks when my thumb would cramp up! I'd have loved to have a plucking machine like that back then!
  15. P

    Built a home bird plucker and processing station

    Did you singe the ducks over a burner after plucking or do a final wax dip? Those ducks cleaned up great!
  16. P

    A question for the hunt dog brain trust

    Have you changed the pup's diet? I put mine on salmon and potato to aid with ears and skin infections. It's helped a lot.
  17. P

    Greetings, and looking for advice

    Welcome Bill! If I was to ever run another longtail mud motor I would build a boat like the one in this picture. This was a super simple basic jon boat with a hunt deck that I built years ago. I called it "zero squat" because after running longtail mud motors for years I wanted to test...
  18. P

    Thinking of moving, but where?

    Montana or South Dakota gets my vote. It would be waterfowl and upland bird paradise to me.
  19. P

    Mid-week hunt with some young men.

    Outstanding hunt with what sounds like great young men! Great pictures too!
  20. P

    Great Great Day

    Sounds like an awesome hunt!!! Nothing better than a workout trying to walk to retrieve ducks on what I call the "Cajun Stairmaster"! Our mud is beastly probably similar to yours! I hope you took plenty of pictures!!!