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  1. K

    Federal Register Notice of 2018-19 Seasons

    Rick, yes,the numbers for Mallards has been down for a while They were talking about implementing the change for 2018-2019 to 2 (hen or drake) . I hadn't seen the western zone proposed dates, glad to hear it will be the similar with the exception of the below zero mornings.
  2. K

    Federal Register Notice of 2018-19 Seasons

    Thanks Carl, Looks like 4 mallard limit for the Atlantic flyway will remain unchanged
  3. K

    Pistol Help Needed for a Non-Pistol Owner

    Same here in NY Todd. Funny two of the more difficult states to acquire a Ccp allows you not to inform. The few times I have been in recent road blocks; escaped prisoners,border patrol check points or excessive speed, the officers or troopers were glad I was willing to tell them but they never...
  4. K

    Happy Easter and a question: what would be our favorite vehicle for fishing and hunting?

    I had a 64 scout,little 4 banger geared so low you'd swear it could climb a wall. I don't think I ever went over 45 in it. 47 power wagon was another beast that could go over or through anything. I miss that one most I still have a 77 fj40, arm strong steering and just canvass over your...
  5. K

    Where did spring go?

    The ice on our lakes has that same look, spots of grey and black. I usually walked the dogs on it but not now. Still will be around for a few more weeks with night time temps in the teens
  6. K

    Serious question for breeders, and/or owners of hunting dogs; preferably Labrador retrievers.

    Bill It is a great boat,I have a 2 hp and a 2hp island hopper i use on it and still paddle with a kayak paddle for areas that don't allow motors. my dog hides well in her mutt hut . I will hunt it until I can't load it. I have gotten some crazy looks with it when I was still loading it on...
  7. K

    Serious question for breeders, and/or owners of hunting dogs; preferably Labrador retrievers.

    Hi Bill, I have hunted two of my females Tude had 4 litters and I never had a problem. I always bred her in Nov/Dec so she was fine by the next season. Quinn 10 yrs (tudes daughter) had one litter and I still hunt her out of your Mo marsh. All my Labs hunt with a vest. I see no down side to it.
  8. K

    Pistol Help Needed for a Non-Pistol Owner

    Paul you guys in Nj have it bad ,one of the toughest states to get a ccp. I have NY,Florida and Utah concealed carry permits. when I took my class for Florida&Utah they told me to totally avoid driving through NJ . New York is tough but as long as your not a wife beater it just takes time ,10...
  9. K

    Pistol Help Needed for a Non-Pistol Owner

    Eric, You live in a shall issue state to carry concealed. Your local sheriff is the one to contact. You also are in an open carry state which means it only has to be holstered. I would go ahead and follow through with getting him a concealed carry permit. Tarus makes a 45/410 revolver, I cannot...
  10. K

    Your greatest waterfowl moment

    I just had just purchased my 70 acre swamp and it was opening day. Keith and I, my lab Jed and his Abby paddled across the pond in the dark to the chorus of the resting Geese. As we made our way across, the flock of geese (2k-3k) were pushed to the point there was no place for them to go and...
  11. K

    improved wetlands habitat

    I've owned a couple of wetland ponds from 1 to 4 ft. deep. Instead of just broad casting the seed I also placed a handful in small brown paper bags and dropped them down a 4" tube made out of leach field pipe . We'd push the pipe into the bottom and use a plunger to push the bag into the...
  12. K

    Did you ever drop a duck into your boat

    Once in a blind (Duck) and once in my coffin blind (Goose) The Goose would have left a mark.
  13. K

    Blast from the past 1940 duck season

    Looking at the regs from 1940 for the country,there were only 3 zones; Northern (8) 10/1-11-29,Southern(13) 11/2-01/01,and Intermediate (26) 10/14-12/16. 10 bird limit and sunrise to 4pm. duck stamps were 1.00. National Sportsman. This was also the season of the Armistice day blizzard.
  14. K

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    Thanks Chris, representing you all was my pleasure. Maybe we'll find ourselves in a vortex a again this season
  15. K

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    Indeed Jeff. I try, been active in Adirondack DU chapter for 20 something years with a few off for sanity. My hunting property is in the Wetlands reserve program loaded with wood duck boxes and I manage an Estuary on the Saranac river.Plus when I miss I really miss and educate birds down the...
  16. K

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    We were saying the same thing. I hope the reduction drives the sky busting ,ground swatters out of the sport and on to the golf course
  17. K

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    The intangibles is definitely the monkey in the room. I am afraid the preference to a specific species will drive the season setting process. If the trend continues of larger wood duck numbers and declining Mallard numbers the season could be even earlier. Or later I was glad to see the...
  18. K

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    This issue came up almost 10 years ago ,duck populations have been up for most species except Mallards. There has been a steady decline for Mallards and this move will most likely will be implemented. I was told a one bird decrease to 3 would do nothing to help, same with a hen restriction ...
  19. K

    NE Zone Duck dates 2018 & changes

    Just returned from the task force meeting and the season will look very much like 2017. 10/6 opener 10/28-11/3 split, 12/9 close. There are many changes to how the season will be determined starting in 2019 some good some not so much. The change to the Mallard bag limit (Atlantic flyway) looks...
  20. K

    Who took my decoys

    Ben , I use a cinder block & pvc,long length of rope and a float to train a dog to dive. I attach the training duck to where the float was then send the dog like it is a cripple. When the dog gets close pull the rope ,duck dives to the bottom. Let the dog complete the retrieve once it has it ...