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  1. C

    If life gives you lemons,,, you make lemonaid.

    I got a kick out of deer once swimming through my decoys, but I'm not too sure a black bear that close to my boat would be fun. Especially with just a bait casting reel in my hands. Thanks for sharing. Charlie
  2. C


    I've got a fatboy set up with a blind, can't be beat. Very stable, hides well. I use a trailer but works just fine in the back of my pick up to get to the remote places.
  3. C

    Momarsh fatboy bottom ?

    Rick, I'm not selling the boat, just thought you might want to investigate yourself. Charlie
  4. C

    Momarsh fatboy bottom ?

    Rick, I have a Fatboy, I"m here in Jersey, you're welcome to come by and check it out. It's a great boat! Charlie
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    I opened my boat late this season, the minute I took the cover off I could smell the urine. Did not see droppings so I figured maybe I was mistaken ... started cleaning and hose out when the little stinkers started jumping out like in the cartoons, except I found no humor in it. Last winter...
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    vhf radio advise

    I agree with Carl, based on the waters he described, if you had to choose just one go with the cell phone, just don't forget the plastic zip lock bag. When out in the bay, I use both. My hand held gets great reception (Sandy Hook, NJ) and keeps me connected. I feel better having the Coast...
  7. C

    ? about long lines

    Good advice "to try in warm weather" ... might also consider your dog ... they can tangle in the lines. Practice helps. Charlie
  8. C

    Duck Dog Maintenance

    Jim, That is incredible! I have a lab and two goldens, we do a lot of water work, I certainly respect what you have achieved. Charlie
  9. C

    what gun do you use

    Browning 12 Auto light. Gift from the wife Christmas '69. In spite of the many shotguns I've acquired throughout the years, I keep coming back to this gun.
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    Boat Plugs

    Mark, I always keep the the plug out when trailing for fear of getting caught in a downpour. Last thing I want to be doing in the middle of a rain storm is trying to remove the plug in a bad situation like side of the highway. I replaced my plug with the "T" type screw in from the inside to...
  11. C

    What would you say to the CO?

    In NJ you can train 12 months a year on certain Wildlife Management Areas in the designated dog training areas. I believe carrying a shotgun loaded with popers is not allowed out of season but I am sure you can use a starter pistol at any time.
  12. C

    NDR Dog eats too fast

    Kevin, Adding water to the food and feeding twice daily works for us. Is this a multiple dog household, if so, competition could be a cause. We have a three dog household, and there are times when two are out while the third is eating alone big difference. Charlie
  13. C

    Cassie has passed on. I loved her so much.

    Eric, It was a wonderful life! May you keep the memories forever and find comfort. Charles
  14. C

    Bug Hunt, NDR

    It's a stink bug. They are brown too, the green ones make loud noise when flying in the house. A real pest, have had them here in NJ several years, this year being the worst.
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    Retriever ain't

    It sounds like the dog does not know the game you want to play with her. She should be taught with a leash on to get something and when she has it in her mouth tell her come and reward her with a good treat (hot dogs, chicken, cheese even spam) and praise with "good give" or "release" which...
  16. C

    Evinrude 40hp 90s schematic?

    Try this:
  17. C

    Camoflaging an outboard?

    I was able to buy a cowling cheap on ebay for my 15 hp; I painted it up and use burlap to cover the rest of the motor, works fine. I feel that I've got the concealment I need and haven't diminished the value of the motor.
  18. C

    Momarsh Fatboy and or DP Fatboy

    Joel, I hunt out of a Fat Boy with my 55 pound lab. She has no need for a ladder to get back in, she pulls herself right up. Charlie
  19. C

    Four Rivers vs. MoMarsh

    Steve, I have a 2002 Fatboy and it's very solid. Hides well and comfortable to hunt out of. Depending on conditions, I paddle, pole or use a small electric. Also had an air cooled 2 hp Honda that worked very well too. Charlie