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  1. John Molnar

    Stupid is as stupid does

    They will learn…
  2. John Molnar


    I understand.. Thank you Eric.. I hate to say this but its my complete summer wardrobe.. 😆
  3. John Molnar


    Guys, how do I get more shirts? I love these shirts….
  4. John Molnar

    What's your preference

  5. John Molnar

    Look what followed me home

    Awesome .
  6. John Molnar

    Newbie advice

    And so it begins! Welcome.. Any idea of a budget will be laughable in a few years….. Good luck !
  7. John Molnar

    KUIU waders review

    $899.00! Hard pass…. I am going to get breathable waders this year..
  8. John Molnar

    ISO: Waterfowl Sweater

    Heel No ! That is my go to… I love that sweater.. The Cabelas one is not the same…
  9. John Molnar

    Australian Duck Hunters Losing Battle

    Those guys have all but lost their country to the radical left…
  10. John Molnar

    H weights mold.

    I love those H weights… Whoever came up with this is an absolute genius! I think it’s a Jersey thing…
  11. John Molnar

    price of vintage decoys

    Have you been to Havre De Grace Decoy Museum[/url] ?
  12. John Molnar

    Age of banded duck/goose

    1 Goose, Canada, 1 year old.. Lived and died within 500 yards..
  13. John Molnar T Shirts Now Available

    Thank God you are doing this again.. My last one is getting long in the tooth.... Just placed an order.. This time I got 4..
  14. John Molnar

    Hello, I?m new to this page

  15. John Molnar

    Joe Daly (and others) - My images are back!

    This canoe rocks.. Found this on your site......................
  16. John Molnar

    Short hunting video--- not mine

    $7 in 1900 is $214.34 in 2020
  17. John Molnar

    Stuck in the quick sand mud of south jersey with a frighting experience

    Not making light of it... [cool]BUT wait till you do it a second time.. Then you will stay in the boat in unknown mud....
  18. John Molnar

    Slowest Duck Season Ever, But Beautiful Scenery

    Don;t let it get you down.. I know, no matter what one says it gets to you.. A few years ago I put the same 3 shells in my gun all year...