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  1. D

    Lund alaskan Take a look here. I have never bought from them, but I have priced out some things as I have thought about a blind myself. These are some of the best prices I have found on the internet for...
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    Lake Champlain

    I don't get that far south usually, but the northern end seems ok for ducks, not spectacular. The high water through the spring and summer has caused a lack of rice growth, so the marshes don't seem as busy. However, in the south there are a lot more marshes away from the lake levels. Might...
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    getting started? (decoys)

    I took a different route. Grinder was a Christmas present. Bandsaw I collected gift certificates for Christmas and birthday gifts from anyone looking to buy me something. ( dust collector almost here on her dime too). The only big tool I bought was the drill press. Otherwise, many have been...
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    Any interest in a decoy swap this Spring?

    I need to withdraw my name. Haven't had time to work on any birds over the last few weeks. Seemed to run out of time all of a sudden. Next time though!! ~Dave
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    Any interest in a decoy swap this Spring?

    Tom, do you have an actual date set? I saw mid May, that works well for me. If it is early May, I need to change the order that I'm working on my current flock.
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    Power Carvers and Dust Collection

    Thanks Bob. I'm going out now to look into the table saw collector with a 4 inch port, and a reducer to my current shop vac. Then I can easily change to 4 inch when I invest in a better dust collector. I do a lot now in the garage with a fan pointing out the door and a mask, but that slows...
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    Power Carvers and Dust Collection

    Any idea what size dust particles the bag filters?
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    Power Carvers and Dust Collection

    Just curious about those using dust collectors while carving with power. What micron size bags are you using, and what amount of dust escapes? Anyone using 5 micron bags have clogging issues, or does dust settle in to collection bag ok? I've been looking at a dust collector for a while, but...
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    Head Carving Tutorial - Steve Sanford

    Thanks for sharing that. I need to bring this to the shop with me. The "pit" I have always seemed to have an issue with, but your pics gave me a different view that clears up some issues I have had with transition to the bill. Dave
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    Northeast zone Ny Task force recommendations

    Ours is always later. Public meetings are in early August. Our lake zone always mirrors yours on dates and bag limits
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    Northeast zone Ny Task force recommendations

    Kevin, We saw a lot of mallards on Champlain last season. They did seem later than normal, but certainly were there. The spring has had a lot of birds moving up the lake as well.
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    Any interest in a decoy swap this Spring?

    Put me on the list, I will see what I can do by may. I have 4 goldeneye in the works now. Hollow cedar
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    An attempt at cutting some wood...

    Don't sweat it much, if you hollow the decoy much of the cracking potential will go away. As for cutting on your 7 inch bandsaw.....worry about the top view, them tilt your table and take off a bunch of 45 degree corners. Also, you can usually get a tail/rump area into a smaller saw like...
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    Splitting a block for hollowing?

    Another vote for start with 2 pieces. Also as mentioned, it shouldn't matter over or under the water line if you are gluing and sealing well. If your getting a leak, your process needs refinement.
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    Question on cedar

    I have some white cedar that I purchased last winter. It was special cut for me at 3 inches thick, left the bark on. I brought it home and cut the bark off on the bandsaw, maximizing my potential board width as best I could. I broke everything down to about 5 foot long pieces and stacked it...
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    vermont snow goose hunting

    I have heard Matt does well. It is true, most of the snows seem to track up the NY side. Snows in VT just don't seem to be here as much
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    vermont snow goose hunting

    Tom where in NY? I could be interested
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    Burlington Vermont gun ban passed city council NDR

    Cheech, You being there would have chnanged nothing!! The council voted to send it to the voters despite the fact the room was full of ONLY gun supporters. Almost no supporters of the ban were there. Yet the council still passed it. It will lose at the state level. Really a waste of...
  19. D

    Champlain pics from this mornig.

    YA ya ya ya!! I know! I did take some time off last week and got out Tuesday-Friday, so it wasn't a complete loss at the end. I might try to get out Thursday after my night shift is over (depending on how tired I am)