Search results

  1. Gary Lee

    Bird Experts

    Have you ever noticed the color similarities with the King Penguin and King Eider? Any of those colors have anything to do with the "King" in both their names?
  2. Gary Lee

    Re-Paint, need advice

    I decided to paint up some hen Bluebills and change them into drake Goldeneyes. I did one up real quick but can't get a crisp line like I would like due to the texture of the decoy. Is there any certain type of brush I could use to get a crisper line than I have on this one by chance?
  3. Gary Lee

    AMAZING !!!

    Imagine having this unfold in front of you !
  4. Gary Lee

    With the temps warming

    and the snow melting, I'm looking forward to another year spent in the outdoors with friends and family .... figured I would share some shots ... have any to share? Post up.
  5. Gary Lee

    What is on your gamestrap?

    I find it interesting to hear what types of waterfowl people harvest in the different parts of the country. What is common in one area is almost unheard of in others. For example I have yet to shoot a Wigeon here in my part of the state, but go to the west of here in the same state and they are...
  6. Gary Lee

    An Apology

    I didn't realize that the threads I have been starting were going to upset so many people, they weren't intended to do so. The point of the two posts (trapping/whaling) was to see what the feelings were of the members on the site about the subjects. I really hope I don't come off as a blood...
  7. Gary Lee

    Whale Wars

    Who are these idiots, why are they allowed to do what they do, and why in the world are they on the air? I don't watch too much TV, but this show caught my eye, the little bit of it that I have watched makes me sick to my stomach. These people are putting human lives at risk in order to stop the...
  8. Gary Lee

    Waterfowl Counts

    After reading some of the articles on Madduck it made me wonder how these counts are done and how accurate they are. Back when I was a hardcore waterfowl hunter I would read as many articles as possible ont he waterfowl counts before season every year. Every year the counts seemed way off but I...
  9. Gary Lee

    Tidal Pools

    I have never been to the Northeast coast but hope to do so this coming winter. Although waterfowl is on my mind, what other types of wildlife may I be able to see in the Northeast? As strange as it may sound, I have always wanted to see wild Starfish, Brittlestars, Urchins, Etc.
  10. Gary Lee

    Interesting Band Information

    Carl asked on a post earlier about the banded Canvasback that I had harvested. While going though band certificates I came across one that I had from a Mallard I shot in AR.. The bird was banded in Seven Persons Alberta, I mapquested the distance and it ended up being a total of 1836.81 miles...
  11. Gary Lee

    Is it just me (NDR)

    or is anyone else ready to go after some of these?
  12. Gary Lee

    Could it be ?????

    A person from this site sent me some photos this evening of some wildlife. In one shot I spotted what kind of looks like a hen Harlequin. After asking permission from the person that took the photo. I wanted to post it here and see what y'all thought. I know it isn't clear what it is, but what...
  13. Gary Lee

    One of my prized birds

    Shot this bird the first season I hunted. This is the only banded diver I have harvested since I've been hunting. What's funny is when I picked it up and seen the band I was excited, but had no real clue what I had in my hand. I'm glad I chose to have it mounted.
  14. Gary Lee

    SeaDucking Photos

    Seaduck hunting has always been an interest of mine since I first read about it my first season hunting. I have yet to make it out to try it myself. But hope to get to go sometime soon. Figured since it is the down season for everyone (waterfowl season closed). Some of you may be willing to...
  15. Gary Lee

    Please critique

    Started on this Can and something just doesn't look right about it. It's far from being done, and doubt I'll finish it due to something not looking right. Since there are so many great artists on here I figured I may be able to get some help for future sketches. I'm wanting to get better on...
  16. Gary Lee

    Ok, since I've pissed most of you off .....

    anyone want to hunt with me next season ? :)
  17. Gary Lee

    Are you kiddin me ??

    Just opened Yahoo, and saw that an Olympic Skater is getting Flak over wearing fur. I'm not sure what y'alls views are on such things. But to me it upsets me in a big way. Where does it end? Can't wear silk due to the terrible things that are done to the silk worms in order to make it? I could...
  18. Gary Lee

    Frog Cleaning 101 (here ya go Steve)

    First cut the legs off. Depending on the person, and the size of the frog this may vary. Next make a slit up the inside of the leg, I use a fillet knife for this.Once you have done a few it is really easy and not a jab and poke ordeal. Next slide your index thumb into the cut...
  19. Gary Lee

    My brother ....

    Up until recently he hasn't really gotten into the outdoors too much. Evn though I have tried, and tried to get him into doing different outdoors related things. This past year we got out and I got to spend some time with him as well as pssing on the little bit I have learned over the years...
  20. Gary Lee

    A few photos from the past

    figured I'd share some photos since I got into my photobucket account. Steve I figured ya would like this one ....