14ft TDB Sea Class build

Tony H

Well-known member
As promised an update when we got started on the TDB 14SC.

We have started applying the wax to the Hull. Currently at 4 coats. 2 to go. And will start waxing the deck and liner this weekend. We have been having some trouble figuring this build out. Obviously there is 3 main molds. the Hull Deck and Liner. Those are the easy parts. Then there is 2 foam chambers that are glassed to the underside of the shelves on each side again no problem we got those molds too. Now comes the tricky part and if anyone has a 14ft Sea Class and would be willing to share some photos I would be willing to send ya some TDB window decals if you like.

There must be something in the bow of the boat behind the liner? a shelf area? storage compartment something? And I have seen one photo of what appears to be 2 foam chambers in the sides of the stern/transom that are holding floatation foam. These I do not have and have to make so a size of these would be great if possible.

Keep in mind we will be able to figure this out even if we cannot find some pictures of these area's its just gonna take a little more time doing the math and figuring the proper sizes etc out on our own. This boat was indeed Tested by the USCG so if we can get the right sizes etc we can make production time sooner on this one.

I am documenting the build and will post updates as we progress through the build. I expect it to take a few weeks with the regular work load and having to work on this in between everything else but we will have this boat ready by August unless something Major happens. Lets hope not. The TDB Classic has been delayed due to the need to make new molds. ARGH! And even sooner if we can find someone to help us out. If anyone is close and has one I would love to come take a look at your boat in person.

Thank You and I hope you enjoy the build process as we build the TDB 14 Sea Class.
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I may or may not have posted these previously. But its only fitting to have a start to finish of the build. This shows what the molds looked like when we picked them up and what they look like after 2 days of some serious sanding. Anyone who says you cannot restore Gel coat should be shown these photos. LOL








Finish sanding

Drying the mold


Ready for mold sealer and wax!


I will be looking forward to more pics of the process and build of bringing these boats back to life. I like these boats or style of boats and am often tempted to buy one. Not sure I will but at least for now I can have fun watching them be built.

Keep up the good work. The Broadbill was a fun looking low boat.
Tony, I haven't forgotten about your request. As of mid week last week my boat was still full of duck hunting gear and now it's full of bluefish and striper slime. I'll try to get the pics tonight if it isn't thunderstorming after work.

The bow area has a bulkhead that I believe is filled with foam
The stern has two compartments like you said, but they just aren't square chambers. The upper parts of the compartments have areas for running hoses and wires on the back half by the transom.

Tony, I haven't forgotten about your request. As of mid week last week my boat was still full of duck hunting gear and now it's full of bluefish and striper slime. I'll try to get the pics tonight if it isn't thunderstorming after work.

The bow area has a bulkhead that I believe is filled with foam
The stern has two compartments like you said, but they just aren't square chambers. The upper parts of the compartments have areas for running hoses and wires on the back half by the transom.


Jim no problem at all. And I figured the 2 transom foam chambers would be shaped so that they can get max amount of foam in them probably a squarish base that is angles and shaped to fit under the deck when its placed onto the hull and gain more floatation. I am also assuming each chamber probably holds 2.5cu ft of foam in the.

I can build new ones. If I get the shapes and sizes of them from someone like yourself it will make life a lot easier.

The bow area again photos and measurements and we can build what ever we need and make new molds.

I really wonder if the liner is just sitting on the hull or if its raised on stringers? A look inside the sides and bow may answer that question. Unfortunately in my area there isn't a 14SC within 200 miles or I would just go look myself. LOL

Thanks again Jim. BTW the boat can wait get on them fish while you can. ;)
Damn, what a bluefish! Down here, a 16" one is considered big, we just don't get the big ones in the Gulf.
nice stripa too.
3 coats of wax on the hull and the first 2 sealer coats on the deck. 2 more coats on the hull and 5 on the deck and then the same for the liner then the build begins. Plan is to start the build monday and have them done by the end of the week. The we start putting the pieces together and making the foam mold chambers and get the first one done. May even make the end of july for a complete boat. Stay tuned as we progress.