2010-2011 season


New member
Wondering how every one else did on ducks and geese this year, it was a tough year for some of us up here.

In Ohio ducks came down late and the geese are still coming.

Sea Ducken was great when we could get out. The wind absolutly killed us. With one week left to go our tatal is about 200. Alost all shot in Oct., Nov. & Dec. We got out on the 1st of Jan. killed 16 birds andthats been it. Goose Hunting has been incredible since just before Christmas. Up until then it wasnt very exciting a shot or two a day. Since then we have limited out every day we have gunned.
Well I had a pretty good season, did not get to hunt as much as I normally do. I got my first Black duck this year and scored 2 nice drake Canvasbacks, I also saw more Cans than I have ever seen in my 35 years of hunting.








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I would say it was one of my best seasons... I have shot more birds ... but I had the best time... Just me and Kodi... he did well, got good photographes... we had weasels join our hunts, and the cans would not stop coming in.. I will settle for a 52 birds (given the # of days I hunted) and the perfect companionship I had... every year till I am in the ground.
One more duck than my personal high with 9 days to go in our season. Almost double my personal best on Pintails in a season. In 31 seasons the most Pintails I ever shot was 18. Sitting at 34 right now. The two bird limit helps but when I started in 1980 the pintails limit was 10 points. You could take 10 a day but I never saw 10 in a day. The USFW sent me 180 wing envelops before the season. Im about to order some more to finish up with. A great season with family and friends lots of fun.


Didn't get out much at all in the early season. Had a few good days and a few not so good days later on. My trophy for the year was this guy, taken on New Years eve. Don't see many of his kind in our neck of the woods.


slower than usual here in NE Il. mild weather until thanksgiving and than it seemed liked highs in the twenties. highlight of my season was taking my four year old out for his first hunt.
