615, setup & ready


Staff member
Setup and ready for divers on the big salty water. Hearing croaks and burrs all around. Wish me luck! Sent via blackberry.
Wait till the traditionalists here see that you are texting via blackberry while duck hunting!

you'll be in big trouble!!

How many guys in the boat?

Good luck and post some pics when you get a chance.

Carl, you have already had a great day---that being that you were able to go hunting. Now that you have scored on a bluebill that is just the dessert!
Nick--I enjoyed that "traditionalist" thought. Yes, it did make me think of this morning when I looked at my cell phone to see what time it was------HMMMMM, what did I do when I was a kid with no watch on?
duck report via blackberry.....create a new tradition of instant duck reports....while hunting over cork decoys.....ironic....
Thanks Carl, hope your doing well. We have two weekend left in our season and I'm taking off the two Fridays with them. The report via Blackberry is cool but my company has been trying to make me get one for a year now. I keep telling them being around trains in for maintenance and all the steel and concrete it would not last, nor do I want to answer e mails all night long. But who knows instant reports may be the new thing

Bill V
Next we hear you have a spinning wing just to charge your Blackberry.... nasty.. just.. nasty..

Lesser or greater Scaup..
ECO friendly wind powered duck hunting instant reports.......

Sponsored by Green Peace, The Sierra Club, PETA, The Wilderness Society, and the Humane Society.........with politically correct Obamaites, Democrats, and Republicans sponsoring new legislation to encourage the use of GREEN POWER for your Black Berry.....Some one has to use all the hot air that blows out of Washington before it causes anthropic climate change......

Maybe a new electric boat motor powered by wind generators.....


UGH!!!! My whole post disapeared when I tried to post it! I even previewed it!
Well here it is again in a nutshell:
Just me & the boy in the boat. It was slow but productive, the hundreds of birds I saw on this spot on Thursday were not there yesterday, think they got hunted Friday and Saunday (Saturday was too nasty for even duck hunters. Luckily I was shooting very well and didnt miss but one bird.
Sending reports in via blackberry is fun, I send emails to my regular partner when he is workingn just to torture him.
I like having the blackberry, instant weather updates, bouy reports and radar. Plus having 24/7 email is worth it to me, even for work. I reccomend getting one.
The spot: As close as I will get given all the cyber scouters:
View attachment TheSpot.JPG

Boat in the blind, someone built this with bamboo, pine sapplings & bay tree branches. Didnt even use my 2 bundles of cane which are leaning against the front of the blind.
View attachment BoatinBlind011810.jpg

The spread: my mix of G&H, GHG, Carrylites and Flambeaus.
View attachment Spread011810.jpg

Results: Just a tailgate shot, I'm not good at fancy stuff. I had a whoel flock of redheads come in. Tried to pick drakes but I swear they were all hens.
Let a couple of hen buffies swim out of the dekes before finishing with a drake doing 100 mph, 2' off the water. By then, the south wind had picked up and to be safe, we had to go. South wind in this spot can get dangerous fast.
View attachment Results011810.jpg
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Of course not!
Actually, I was sending reports via blackberry while hunting out of an aluminum boat over plastic decoys (some repainted flamboob mallards and carrylites at that!), so I already violated the traditionalist requirements anyway!

Verily, Verily I say unto you,,,,My son, the dark side is winning your heart and soul...Al boats, plastic deeks, and Blackberry reports....repent and sin no more...or thy soul may be required of thee...

How did your hunt end? I hope well.

Nice hunt Carl, looks like a nice day.

I like the resolution of the location screen grab.......I think with a bit of sophisticated GIS work we can have it pegged.. I will post the UTM and LAT LONG

Nice to have someone build the blind for you....you better send them a case of shells..HAHA
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The bluebill was actually an immature lesser, which is unusual in the spot I was hunting.
First time I have killed a lesser there, usually all greaters.
You can see how much smaller it is than the redheads. The greaters I get there are normally the same size as the redheads.
I love greater scaup, nice big plump birds.