9 month old chessie female

rich scheffer

Well-known member
My wife and myself are foster caring a 9 month old female chessie. She is an average size girl for her age, is a dark deadgrass color with some brindle in her coat (great camo) sweet little girl, has only been with us for 30 hours, is just starting to settle down and trust us. Her name is sasha and will be placed thru Chesapeake rescue. I f you are interested pm us and we will give you contact info and email some pictures. Rich
Phil, as of now we have no papers. The couple who turned her in to the humane soceity never registered her. Sasha is 100% chessie. Might be a hunter, she sure likes to chase lizards and frogs! I am heading out in a half hour for georgia, Dove season opens tomorrow. Should be able to post pics sun pm or mon am. Thanks Rich
If you cannot find a home for the dog pm me. We have a fair amount of property and a large fenced in yard. Not concerned about papers. Not even sure I would hunt the dog.
My wife and myself are foster caring a 9 month old female chessie. She is an average size girl for her age, is a dark deadgrass color with some brindle in her coat (great camo) sweet little girl, has only been with us for 30 hours, is just starting to settle down and trust us. Her name is sasha and will be placed thru Chesapeake rescue. I f you are interested pm us and we will give you contact info and email some pictures. Rich

Rich, I just wanted you to know that is something very special that the two of you are doing to help out animals in need.
Just got back from John VanHauten's farm in Georgia. Dove shooting wasn't too good - kinda hot and dry. Still had an awesome time! That place is beautiful! And the gang is topnpotch.

This morning I got around to taking these photos of the little girl. She is settled in now, one of the gang. Last night I was amazed at how sweet she was with me! PM me and I'll give you the contact person and Chessie Rescue if you're interested.


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Pretty little girl, Rich!

Kudos to you and your wife for fostering her. Several times I've considered adopting a 'Peake and have nothing but admiration for the folks in the chessie rescue network.

Good luck placing her.
Took sasha for what I am sure was her first swim today. Her first sight of the water told me she had never encountered anything like this before. Diesel on the other hand was (as usual) just the opposite. Forgetting all his training he dove in at warp speed. My wife let sasha off lead and she immediately dove in right behind diesel. At first I thought she was going to drown, a few goofy front paw high paddles and she managed to stay afloat. After a while she was chasing bumpers like an old pro, bringing them back was another story. This trip was about her riding in the truck and enjoying swimming which she got all A-s in. Retrieving to hand is a bit down the road. Actually I would prefer to leave that up to her new owner. Now that she has been with us for a couple of weeks I think she is a very sweet little girl and will make her permanant owner a great pet. We are thinking she has a bit of alpha bitch in her, would probably be best as an only dog, or as a pair with a male, as she and diesel get along great. If anyone has a need, she still needs a home and with some fast track training she could probably be retrieving birds late season.
My little girl made the trip to the vet this morning to be spayed. Hope she finds a home soon,she's really growing on us! went scouting out on the lake saturday I picked up a big blue heron feather and brought it home. Showed it to sasha, she grabbed it out of my hand and ran oround the yard with it in her mouth. Looks like feathers in the mouth are not an issue. Rich

I have been checking in on this post regularly to see how Sasha is doing.

I already have two intact males and adding a third dog is grounds for divorce. She is a beauty though. I may keep showing my wife the pics "just in case"
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Today Sasha is being spayed. We didn't want a problem because we have two intact males as well. However, she gets along so nice with our boys. She is a great little girl!!
During Sashas surgery(spaying) the young vet tech girl fell in love with her. Her mom and dad lost their doberman a year ago, are just getting over her enough to have another dog. They stopped over last friday, well it was love at first site! The adoption went thru chessie rescue. the chessie person who checked out their home said " that dog just won the lottery". The vet techs dad is a doctor in town, I wonder if he would adopt me? Rich