A day on the water

Gary March

Well-known member
Sorry for not contributing much on the forum as my wifes illness has kept me busy and at home. Family came to watch her this weekend, and I was able to get the old boat out and get after them ducks. It was a dreary day so pics are only medicore. I went after the Goldeneyes and found a few on there migration downstream. I wish everyone a great season as the migration of birds on the Pacific flyway has been excellent. I live on a lake and have never seen such an early migration. be safe out there.

This hawk was flying over the marshin the fog, I thinkl it is a sharp shinned.

A pic of Grant Werdick decoys he made for me this year.

River doing her thing. After eight years we usually hunt most of the day without even saying a word. She just does her job.

A close up of her. I taught her not to get them bloody for pictures. HeHe

All the hens got a pass as usual

Some hen Hoodeds zip by and also get a free pass.

And of course the end of the day shots


Thanks for looking
Gary March
That looks like so much fun. Nice story and the pics are absolutely first rate. Thanks, Gary. I find myself looking at "all" that water and very amazed by it.
Wow nice photos of the dog.
That dogs eyes remind me of my culy coat from many years ago.
What boat are you hunting out of?
Very nice. Saw the first of our goldeneyes yesterday--earlier than usual. We weren't ready for them and only had puddler decoys. Even then, my mix of yard sale Bean's whistlers and magnum plastics won't quite measure up to your rig.
Nice pics Gary. How much does all that killer weed grass weigh? Slow the boat down?
Great shots even in the fog. Great looking rig also. Hope your wife gets well soon.
wis boz
Gary ,

Looks like you have your act together. All the ducks are literally "in a row" on that boat.

Dog looks in great form, awesome scenery to boot!

I am embarrassed to show my boat on here, damned thing always gets full of leaves & sand and my deeks are a terrible lot. No paint left and some of them flat out sink.

I am glad to get out though, and certainly would rather take photos and shoot ducks than clean out my boat....

Someday I will get out a leaf blower and blast away....
Great photos, again, and River looks great. Love those pics of her sitting ontop of the dodger. Looks as if she owns that space!
Very sorry to hear about the wife being ill and hope her recovery is quick.
Best - Paul
Great pics Gary. Always love to read your story and pics.

Sorry to hear your wife is ill. Hope she has a quick recovery.

Beautiful pictures Gary. We hunted south of there yesterday. More GE than I had seen in a while. And they were working the Mallard decoys pretty well too..........But I left most of them for you and Brad.....
Hello Davey, I don't believe it slows the boat down at all. It really doesn't weigh that much. My problem is I always want to take to many decoys.HeHe
Todd, Your post I found so amazing. If you really know me I am such a pig. My shop is usually a mess, and my truck looks as though I always eat in it. Also you seem to take as many birds as anyone on this site.
Al, Speaking of water the river I was hunting flows out of a lake that is 350,000 acres of water. I usually hunt the lake now. Its called PendOreille Lake. I will send a little your way. I always am amazed at the river you hunt. Not sure when you go if there is any at times by the pictures.
Thanks for the story and pictures,beautiful country.
Best wishes to your wife hope she has a quick recovery.
I have been practicing voluntary restraint since '96 it gives me more satisfaction than a limit shoot which are rare in southern ohio. We complain about the lack of ducks, if we all passed on the hens we may see a significant change for the good. Last spring i watched a flock of scaup do a stopover on one of our deep water lakes,out of 11 birds one was a hen. No matter what species i saw migrating north the drakes out numbered the hens, we can do better. For what it is worth i just renewed my DELTA membership and support their programs.
Thanks again Gary have a safe season.
Hello Gary, Very sorry to hear your wife is unwell, our thoughts and wishes are with you. Great pictures as always, there always seems to be almost a spiritual aspect to your photos. Hope we get to meet this time next year when im over meeting with Fred.

All the very best, Paul, lindsey and Freya Scott.
my wife's cousin works with coopers and sharpshinned in OR. I will send him the picture and see if he can give me a few tips on telling the difference. I know he uses flight characteristics to do some of it when they survey.
Do you set the geese decoys right with the diver spread? I like the pictures as always. Is the light in the one with River on the dodger natural?

Thinking of your family and your wife.

Great post as always Gary. Love the last shot of River with the GE. Despite them being my favorite duck, and living in goldeneye heaven, I've not yet managed to put one in my pup's mouth.

Very sorry to hear about your wife, I hope she recovers well.