A Foggy Surprise

Craig F

Well-known member
This past weekend we had some fun rainy and foggy weather here on the east coast and I decided to play the tides a bit and hunt once it stopped raining. I found myself in pea soup fog for most of the afternoon, but every once in a while it would lift a bit and the birds would move. Sometimes missing pays off as I had one black duck in the bag and proceeded to miss the next two that decoyed. I decided that the next black would be allowed to land in the boat if that's what it took to stop missing... well he didn't land in the boat but rather dropped in feet down at 10 yards and one shot later I was feeling better about my shooting. I felt even better when I picked the bird up and saw he was sporting some jewelry!

What is the most interesting about this particular band is I noticed it was almost falling off the bird, something I chalked up to an inexperienced bander. Well upon removing it I noticed what actually had happened. One of my pellets had hit the inside of the band and opened it a bit. The head biologist for NJ confirmed they do not put bands on haphazardly so it was definitely opened by shot. Five year old bird banded by Bar Harbor, ME.

Just something else to consider now that maybe we're all shooting the bands off our birds [;)]




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Craig -

That is about as good as it gets.

You will carry that memory for a long, long time.

Gorgeous drake Black Duck. My favorite large puddle duck, and IMO nothing else can touch it.

More than once such a bird has made a whole season worth it.

Plus ya got a band.


Many years ago, I put my favorite band on my vehicle key ring.

With each of my vehicles, the band goes on the key ring.

It is always there for me to touch and look at whenever I want. Keeps me connected to the lifestyle we love.

Have a few on my call lanyards, but not a big fan of it.

Best regards
Limited video filming lately, though I have a lot to edit from previous hunts. Double edge sword of doing that sort of thing, I have put in a ton of time to figure out areas and pattern birds and I'm not going to burn myself with putting videos out online of certain areas. As much of an online presence I might have I try to keep a low profile at times.

I have my bands on my lanyard, not to look cool or anything, but each one has a story as you've said and each one is special. I like looking at them and remembering the particular day and who was with me, etc. I've shot a lot with my dad and he's shot a bunch with me so those are very special. I think this was my first one from Maine, but I have to check my old certificates from back before it was all digital.

Low profile is the way to go.

Let others do their homework and earn the birds.

I have not shot a banded bird since they went total digital.

Of course I don't get out after em hell or high water like I used to.

Always liked when the certificates arrived in the mail. Took em all out a few years ago and reread em.

Favorites are banded Teal.
Vince Pagliaroli said:
Craig -

That is about as good as it gets.

You will carry that memory for a long, long time.

Gorgeous drake Black Duck. My favorite large puddle duck, and IMO nothing else can touch it.

More than once such a bird has made a whole season worth it.

Plus ya got a band.


Many years ago, I put my favorite band on my vehicle key ring.

With each of my vehicles, the band goes on the key ring.

It is always there for me to touch and look at whenever I want. Keeps me connected to the lifestyle we love.

Have a few on my call lanyards, but not a big fan of it.

Best regards

I was dove hunting almost 35 years ago and I saw an orange colored dove fly past with a few companions. Naturally I picked him out of the flock and killed it. I was wondering what was up with this bird as I approached it. I knew it was a dove when I shot. I just did not know why it was orange. When I examined the bird I was delighted to see a small band on its leg. I assume the orange dye was to help the bird get harvested. Well that worked because I picked this dove out from the others it was with due to the dye job. I also put the band on the key ring. A couple of months later I went to show off the band to a buddy and every bit of the lettering was gone. It had been rubbed off from the contact with the keys and likely coins in my pocket. The band was a lot smaller and not stamped as deeply as a waterfowl band and I did not realize that could happen to my band. I won't make that mistake again.
Nice bird. The black ducks were also flying today in the snow at the other end of the black duck wintering grounds, but no band here.
That's something right there. It's pretty clear the shot went inside the band so yeah, that's definitely a one in a million shot.
That is outstanding, What are the chances of doing that again?

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