A hen with a 6" beard!

Dave Parks

Well-known member
They say it takes all kinds and here's proof, a hen with a beard.


Caught these guys with the telephoto lens showing off for the hens along the road up to the shop. Two Jake's (on left) and a nice long bearded Tom

Here's the "Boss-Dog" of the flock.


Sing said something about "Same Sex Marriages" and "it's" luggage had a San Francisco address, bird was new to the area and of course it was alone. :^)

Four years ago we were hunting turkeys on our duck lease boardering the Walkill Refuge NJ. In NJ it is not uncommon to see bearded hens -which are protected in the spring seasson. I have seen double bearded hens also. That morning a friend set up on a bird he roosted the night befor. It gobbled several times befor flying down.and he watched it for 5 or so min. strutting within 30 yards gobbling and displaying. He shot the bird and it flopped around and landed in a slough that is 30-40 ft. wide. It stayed there till I came by to the side the bird was on, to pick it up. Suprise#1 very small maybe 8 lbs. soaking wet. #2 no spurs #3 It had all 3 head colors Red, White, and Blue. #4 a thin 7 in beard. We opened the bird up, and you guessed it------ loaded with eggs. I took several excellent photos to document this very unusal bird.
That's pretty cool. I think here in NY you can shoot a bearded hen in the spring, although I don't think I would personally (with her having eggs and all). And as odds may have it, a few years ago my uncle (a taxidermist) mounted an 8 point whitetail that was a doe! I think it scored around like 140" P&Y!