A question for the hunt dog brain trust

Ed L.

Well-known member
It's been a while since checking in. I hope everyone's hunting season is off to a good start. Mine started with a doe for bow season and now on to chasing ducks. For my question, it's about my dogs ears. After a total of 4 visits in 6 months and a cost of nearly $800 my poor dog is still in agony! You see she seems to have some kind of yeast infection in her ears that we just can't clean up. The vet continues to prescribe a flush and then drops in her ears. In the beginning they seemed to help slightly but over the course of the summer and fall nothing is helping. Do you guys and Dani have any suggestions for home remedies that work on your furbabies or any meds that have worked I might suggest to my vet?
I've used Zymox, I think its called, it's worked for every dogs ear trouble here...
Have you changed the pup's diet?

I put mine on salmon and potato to aid with ears and skin infections. It's helped a lot.
gcs said:
I've used Zymox, I think its called, it's worked for every dogs ear trouble here...

Thanks, I looked it up and it's available locally. I'm going to get some and give it a shot.
Paul Taylor said:
Have you changed the pup's diet?

I put mine on salmon and potato to aid with ears and skin infections. It's helped a lot.

No. She's been on the same food since she started eating adult food. Her ear problems started year before last but we were able to clear them up until now. She's 9 now.
Try adding a dollop of plain yogurt to her food. Kenz had yeast issues ...ears and his lips...for a period of time for some unknown reason. Vet suggested yogurt and that helped a lot. Once it was all cleared up it didn't come back. Don't know what the root cause was.

Good luck

Dani said:
Try adding a dollop of plain yogurt to her food. Kenz had yeast issues ...ears and his lips...for a period of time for some unknown reason. Vet suggested yogurt and that helped a lot. Once it was all cleared up it didn't come back. Don't know what the root cause was.

Good luck


Thanks Dani, I'll give it a try. Sure can't hurt.
Over many years and many dogs the one med that has always worked is called Panalog Ointment. The generic version is Quadritop. Has never failed to clear up my dogs ears
I fought ear infections with my chocolate lab for years. He swims low in the water and when the ears were agitated, he would constantly shake his head when swimming. I tried a variety of drops and other treatments. Finally talked the vet into culturing the infection. After getting the results, a compounding laboratory mix a treatment. I have not had any infections since (still vigilant on keeping his ears clean). Wish would had done the culture years earlier to save the poor fellow some irritation. Cost of culture were no more than other treatments.
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Thanks for the reply Tom. We've also don't the culture route in the past each treatment has been in the $300 range. Of course we didn't question at the time. Responsible pet owner and all. Now in retirement just needing to look for cost effective alternatives.