
Worth Mathewson

Active member
For a very long time I have felt that Dinty Moore Beef Stew is without question one of the best things ever made for outdoorsmen. Anyone agree? And along those lines, while hashbrowns are great with eggs, grits are far superior. Best, Worth Mathewson
I don't eat enough grits, I know that.

Dinty Moore is not my favorite, but I do have fond memories of it. That and canned potatoes with butter and dried parsley.
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I cannot agree.

The last time I ate Dinty Moore was prom night, senior year of high school. My best buddy and I both had girlfriends who dumped us for other dates a few weeks before the big night, so we skipped the prom and took a fishing trip. Paddled out to an island in a rural lake and set up camp for the weekend.

"Supplies" consisted of a case of Schaefer, a pound of baloney, a pound of cheese, a loaf of bread, and a half dozen cans of Dinty Moore.

We forgot the can opener, but were able to bash the cans open with the point of an anchor. Dinty Moore isn't that good to begin with, and when pureed by repeated blows from an anchor, it's even worse.

Haven't had any Schaefer since then, either.
but at least you had schaefer, lol.

at least we drank pabst back then, it won a ribbon once you know.

well, we still drink it.
Chris, as a Rhode Island swamp yankee, I'd expect you to be a Narraganset fan.

Wasn't Schaefer "the one beer to have when you're having more than one"?
PBR and Shaffer are for beginners- I miss a warm can of 'Gannsett, or a cool bottle of Black Label. If you can drink BL, you could drink anything -and at 6 am.

Now wait a minute. You guys are getting away from the important subject at hand: Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Having said that, remembering back on old famous beers is fun. Out here in the Northwest we certainly had them! Blitz, Olympia, Rainier, Lucky Lager, Heidelberg. And those were about all that were sold. It was hard to find Bud or Miller. But things have taken a major change for the better--with our many craft breweries. Best, Worth Mathewson
Jeff,,, that's funny. When I was up in Maine freshman yr collage we'd get a rack of Nastys. Narragansetts!!! They were considered to low of beers Fished Montauk this year and the place we were eating at considered them Craft beer. 30 yrs latter I had 2

My only memory of Dinty Moore is one time when we were teenagers my brother and I decided to go on a camping and trout fishing trip in NE IA. We planned on catching our dinner and didn't bring a backup because we knew what we were doing and always caught plenty of fish. We caught one stocker rainbow. That night while I got the fire going my brother drove to the nearest town and found a can of Dinty Moore beef stew at the only gas station in town. So for dinner we each had half a can of stew, one trout fillet and some toast. Good memories.
When I was growing up in PA Yuengling was not popular at all. My dad and uncles would complain because my gramma would get a caw of it to keep at the house for when we visited and they didn't care for it. Now it's a big hit nationwide.
We drank Genny cream ale too.
My favorites in the blind are Vienna sausages and sardines, ritz crackers, honey buns and chocolate.
When I was growing up in PA Yuengling was not popular at all. My dad and uncles would complain because my gramma would get a caw of it to keep at the house for when we visited and they didn't care for it. Now it's a big hit nationwide.
We drank Genny cream ale too.
My favorites in the blind are Vienna sausages and sardines, ritz crackers, honey buns and chocolate.

Genny Cream Ale....

Dinty Moore is so thick it can be tough to heat up without burning on a hot wood stove.
Its been far too long since I've had some grits. I better pick up some instant grits next time I'm shopping. That should get some southerners panties in a wad. :)

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College days - Cold Spring DELUXE. 3 case $8.99 + deposit. It was a fine brew as i recall - or don't recall.

And the $.99 deposit made for same great cheap bookcases and tables. And at the end of the school year you turned them and had more dining money. The good old days…...

Mark W
Its been far too long since I've had some grits. I better pick up some instant grits next time I'm shopping. That should get some southerners panties in a was. :)


I hate it when my panties are in a was! Not over instant grits mind you.
Its been far too long since I've had some grits. I better pick up some instant grits next time I'm shopping. That should get some southerners panties in a was. :)


I hate it when my panties are in a was! Not over instant grits mind you.

Damn spellcheck...and people who have to quote you in their response. ;)
Its been far too long since I've had some grits. I better pick up some instant grits next time I'm shopping. That should get some southerners panties in a was. :)


I hate it when my panties are in a was! Not over instant grits mind you.

Damn spellcheck...and people who have to quote you in their response. ;)

If it is any consolation, it took me a few tries to convince myself it was you not my reading comprehension. Your writing is usually gooder than that. :).
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You beat me to it Carl!

Genny cream, ballentine, rolling rock, (miller in the 7oz ponies of course) were also quality tested by my buddies and I.

Now i have spent more on a single beer than a whole 30.
My polish friends almost had a heart attack when a pbr 30 went over $20, damn hipsters!
Hi neighbor!

Jeff I'm from CT, we never got our hands on gansetts in high school but later on we decided it wasn't for us.

Their Dels shandy and the coffee milk stout are actually realy good though.