anybody ever install a pt35?

Installed a pt35 trim n tilt unit on a 14ft tdb seaclass,to be honest with u performance was better without it,really not looking to throw $450 dollars away so looking for any help here.
Heres how it went Aftermarket tilt n trim sets back outboard 5.5 inches away from boat enabling you to raise motor 1-3 inches higher due to setback,my unit ended up 2.25 inches higher almost perfect.after getting it installed and trying it out boat is hard to get planed out,motor is lugging took it off and runs nice.Any ideas?
I have a pt35 on my TDB14 Classic with a helm at the front and remote controls. It made a huge difference for me in performance. If you are running a Dolfin hydrfoil, take it OFF, will not work! That was my first problem. If the Sea Class has rocker in it like the Classic, lower the motor down to the original level with the bottom of the boat, it will still ride higher when on plane. Lastly, make sure you have the manual tilt pin on the motor removed or set on the lowest position so you get the full advantage of the new unit. Also, I never lock the motor down, broke the tilt unit once already when I had it locked down. Yes, it will kick up in reverse, small price to pay for saving the PTT unit.

If you are using it as a tiller... setting the motor back also means setting the weight back, this could be some of the problem? I know on my classic it was very rear heavy with my fat butt and the motor back there.

Let us know how it works out for you.
