Autumn along the river (NDR)

Todd Duncan Tennyson

Well-known member

it feels like autumn down at the river
the darkness is cool and quiet before the sun rises

there are stars out and jupiter too

a preacher on the radio talks about jesus
i drink my coffee

i put on my waders and boots

my old ryall reel and dad's old six weight flyrod assembled
got some sinking line and about a nine foot leader
it is probably a little longer than it has to be

i'll pull a fly out of the box


something dark and thin
because the water is clear

there's a pair of owls down here that like to call
if you are lucky you'll see one fly to roost


somewhere deep in the tall cottonwoods
the morning's mist rolls in to the quiet space along the river

i wonder how long they have been there watching me

i wonder if they recognize my face?
or understand my motions?

they've seen me across the water many times
they know my tired old green truck parked in the willows

they are able to mix work and play somehow
they seem to like each other's company
sometimes they work as a team

soon the sun is up IMG_20190906_092053902_HDR.jpg
it is going to be a nice day here

hot in the afternoon
breezy and then cool in the evening

it is a good time to be out and about

summer knows it has to get going
but wants to enjoy just one more day
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