Bad day !!!

Doug Bowman

Well-known member
One of our female chocolate labs lace is at at South Jersey Veterinary in Linwood under going emergency surgery for an infected uterus, She just went through her heat last month, we haven't been trying to bread her because she doesn't produce when bred , well yesterday she started to have vaginal discharge that was clear , then it turned milky and got heavy,with a temp of 106, well of course you cant get your vet on Sunday , so I got her in to day and after X-rays and blood work we where off to Linwood , well we just got back after melting a credit card . Price for this is $2113.00 - $ 2943.00 ,,,,, Can you say ouch , well we got our fingers crossed , poor thing is only 4 yrs old
Thanks Shermie, She came through surgery fine and she should be home tonight , all looks good at this time
Wow Doug,
That does not sound like fun. I am glad to hear the surgery went well and I commend you on your financial stamina in trying times.
Glad she is doing alright! Just as a side note, we had the same thing with Sneed the year before she died. Surgery cost was some where around 300.00 dollars. Funny how prices change in different parts of the country.
Hey Doug,

I know what you're going through. I had a Cocker named Xaybee (sweet dog...I still miss her) that got pyometra. I was told they can get it from just being around male dogs, not sure if that's true, anyway the infection started on the weekend and the dog was pretty sick Sunday night. I took her in first thing Monday and they operated on her right away. This infection spreads fast. Well I pray you have a better outcome, I'm re-living this right now. Crazy how much they mean to us.

Well good news , she is home and very happy, every thing turned out great , even the bill was cheaper , only $1572.00 . But she is so glad to be home and we are so glad to have her

Thank you every one with your prayers and responses


Good to hear, my lab is my Best friend too. Here is to the Best for you and yours, hope the money finds an easy way into your hands.