Bad end to the week.


Active member
My first dog "Demi"tasse moved on yesterday.


13 1/2 years old and a great little lady. Didn't think it would bother me, but it did. Many here would understand.
Sorry to hear that John, it is tough to lose a dog. Our thoughts are with you guys.

You have my utmost sympathy. I thought I steeled myself before taking Colby in but fell apart...I empathise with you on that, friend.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Just plain sucks to say good-bye to a good dog.... :-(

My sinsere condolences to you and your family.

Brian F.

13 1/2 years is a pretty good in the logevity dept. I sincerely hope I have Cassie that long for I know the pain of losing a hunting companion and would like to put it off as long as possible. It hurts like very few things do. I feel for you bud. Tough loss.


I morned my first Lab for 7 years. Went to a Gunshow and a guy at the Safari Club booth started telling me about this HOT litter that was comming up. 5th Pick got me the boy sitting on the bow in my avitar. This Oct. he will be 11 and I know whats comming..

I rescued a little bitch from a guy that lets say wasn't treating her right. So now we have a old Gent, and a uppity young thing..

Waiting for all thoes years was really dumb. When things settle down, start looking for a Litter, and grab another bunch of love.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Demi sounds like a real good one. I have been there and I don't look forward to doing it again. Such is life. She will be in our thoughts today and your family as well.