Bands on duck's legs


Is it true that some of those bands on duck legs are worth some money if you send them to duck's unlimited? If so how much are they worth and how can you tell if they are worth money?
no , bands are not worth money ,even the one marked $100 reward, they are actually to counter balance birds with flight disorders. Thats why some have 2 . Its the same as you wearing a watch or the little lead weight on a tire( ever seen a tire that has lost that tiny little weight ?)
save yourself some grief and just send the bands to me

or you could look at the band,write down the info on it and MAIL THE INFO to the addresss on the band, still no need to send the band anywhere but to me. Heck just send them down and I'll do the all the hard work for ya !!!
I'll let you know if it was worth anything......................=)
Not DU but the Feds have what are called reward bands. They are used to determine a fudge factor for percent of bands called in. The green band was worth $100, now if I could only remember where I put it. I hate getting older but I guess it beats the alternative.
