Best Spotlight?

Mark W

Well-known member
Broke mine yesterday and the way they make the things, I can't get to the trigger to resolder the wires unless I cut this thing a part which makes the thing useless afterwards.

I want a rechargeable spotlight that is not one of those lights that is so big it nerds its own tender to haul around. Not that I've ever timed the light usage/trip but I bet it is betweeen 15 - 30 minutes max if even that.

I'm not even sure of the brand (Husky maybe) of the last one as it was painted long ago. It had 3 different light outputs and you had to pull the trigger one time to step up to the next output (never liked that feature as I was always having to pull the trigger 3 times to get to high power) It also had a light on the side with its own switch that was real nice for area lighting. Just put the light on the boat bench and turn it on - did a nice job of illuminating the boat interior.

So, if anyone has any suggestions on a good cordless spotlight that is small in size, I would appreciate the info.

Thnks -

Mark W

Hey bud, how have you been? Ahh the spotlight saga. From my extensive field trials, by that I mean breaking everything that I use, I have found that no matter how much you spend or dont spend they all break the same. I started using the 1 million candle power $10 spotlight from cabelas that would have enough burn time to light my way back from the far away places. This is not continuous burn, it was light things up, get your bearings, and press on. Problem is, I don't care how careful or how careless I was, I always managed to break them. This year I spent $20 on a Brinkman spotlight I saw at walmart. It has a halogen 1 million spotlight and an LED under that with a simple switch to flip to whatever option you want. I have used it all season and it has held up. It has been dropped, soaked, and abused. The only downfall is the halogen light if left on, will only last for about 12 min. The LED will burn for something crazy like 60hrs on one charge. But you have to be sparing when you bestow daylight on the marsh. The other option I can throw out there is one of my good friends uses a neat set up. He uses one of those battery booster packs with the cigarette plug in it and plugs in a 1 million spot light to that. I have never seen it run out of juice, the only downfall is the booster pack is kind of heavy. There you go, I hope this helps.

I use one made by Coleman ($60-$65 approx.) Rechargeable, lasts "very long", very bright, made well. You can order from Bass Pro Shop.
I use the Brinkman too. They're compact, relatively inexpensive, and seem to hold up well. This fall I bought a second one, so when I'm going someplace where I think I may need more than 15 min of light, I've got a back up. Or when I forget to recharge one, I've got the other.

I have a black and decker that I bought at home depot a few years ago cordless, fairly small and around 20.00.
only has a bout one hour of run time but it is usually enough it plugs in to 110v to charge via a extension cord which i really like.
good luck with your hunt

i also have a stream light rechargable flash light that is super bright and lasts a long time but they are super expensive around 150.00 +
Lowes had 1million candle power small spots (husky?) for $9.95 this last summer. I bought two. They last for about 30 minutes of on/off use as I zip through the marsh with the 55w running lights. I use the spots to define potential trouble spots. They are really light weight and at $10 I consider them disposable. Lowes still carries them up here.

I used to have a 2million candle power advantage wetland spot from Cabelas, bought on sale for $29. It came with a battery and instructions to throw the one in the light away since it didn't work. It lasted three years before it would not hold a charge. Turns out the battery is a special one made just for that company and I had to order a replacement from them for $30 plus shipping.

So I went with the home store specials and am happier.