Ryan pretty much laid it out. I have a Devlin Broadbill and used to run an '83 9.8 merc (which was under the old horsepower rating, so it is more like a newer 7.5hp, I'm told). That engine would give me 16 mph under hunting load, and 18mph + with just me in the boat. It really did a fine job getting the boat up on plane and to hunting spots. A trolling moter will push the broadbill along ok, but is not very fast and obviouisly will not get it on plane. I did buy an evinrude 3hp at a yard sale, with the intention of using it if I ever had access to a small, shallow marsh, but have not found a hunting area like that, yet. Have not even fired the 3HP up. Right now I am running a Yamaha 15hp on the boat, and it moves at 25mph under any load (RPMs are maxed out). I believe swapping the stock prop for one with more pitch would gain a few mph, but 25mph skimming the water while sitting in a 10' Broadbill is exciting enough for most folks.
Enjoy the build!