Camo outboards... paint, cover or what?


Well-known member
I have a camo cover for my duckboat outboard, but I am looking for other ideas on how to camo it this year. I am considering painting it, putting the camo no mar decals on it or making some sort of cover that incorporates actual marsh grass.

If you have any ideas of photos, I would love to see them... thanks!
I personally do not like to paint my outboards i do have two of them that are painted and look ok but for my other outboards that are not painted i have just made a cordura cover that slips over the motor and ties in the front you can still pull the cord to start it with the cover on, and run it and everything so i guess its just personal far as any grass on the motor cover i do not have any on mine but my blind runs to the back of my boat so you cannot see the motor at all on my aluminum boat....

My brother in law painted his motor and it looks good just not my thing, he painted the whole motor marsh grass color and then held reeds/grass/leaves (whatever you want to do) against the motor and sprayed it with od green and some mud brown, i think it looks good almost gives a little shadow effect

Buy a camo spare tire cover for less than $5.00 and throw it over the top of the motor. Cheap and does the job of those $30 "special" camp motor covers.

Mark W
I've tried just about every way imaginable to camo a motor. Painting works great, but will lower the resale value. If it's an older motor or you have no intentions on selling then it's not an issue. I've used vinyl decals, they tend to start peeling off after a couple seasons. I've made a cover with some scrap max-4 cadura canvas that I use on my 25hp. For my 15hp I use a burlap bag. For both I have a scrap piece of woven grass mat that I put around it. I used a piece that's long enough to cover the back and both side and a bungee stretched across the front to hold it.

I like the look of the grass mats because it breaks up the flat look of the back of the boat, like another clump of grass.
I already have a camo motor cover.... looking for other options.

Zip tie some raffia grass to the tire cover. That way it will be new to you. It's always something isn't it?

Mark W
Take a pc of Fast Grass and fold in half length tie across the bottom........thats is now the top......slide that over the engine cover from the back...........1 pc will cover the entire engine up to a 30hp and looks 3D not flat like a pc of FG hanging the other won't blow away and is easy on and off....

used the stickers they work pretty good start getting brittle after @ 10 years plus you can take them off if you want to sell
don't remember what brand
I covered the motor all over with short pieces of camo duct tape and then shake , rattle and spray. The sun and wind will fray the ends of the tape up really nice. The tape and paint will come off if you ever decide to sell/trade the motor to a fisherman. If I can find another motor cover in really bad shape I am tempted to make a "gihle" cover with baling twine but haven't found one I can drill full of holes yet. Good Luck.
my motor is painted but for added seclusion i made a ghillie style cover out of desert millitary surplus netting and raffia grass. i found the netting on ebay for i think 15 bucks and it is big enough to be cut in half and used on two motors. it doesnt soak up water, is very tough, and very light wieght. like my runway model haha
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Matt, I like that idea a lot... rafia grass from Cabelas? How did you get it attached to the netting?
Have you thought about getting the cover camo dipped. It wouldn't cost much to just do the cover. It would last alot longer than putting on stickers.
Thanks for the idea Neal, but I want to have 100% of the motor covered for the least amount of $ possible...
Burlap, no need to pain the engine if you have to cover it anyway. I drape grass and seaweep over it too.

Had to paint it.... looked like heck the other way lol

Before.... well a lil before

In the Beginning.....

Paint it it only hurts on a purty motor for a minute lol
Burlap... Get the big bags Skimmer clams come in, (coffee bags), cut one long edge part way,.. covers the lower unit too.
You want more? zippy tie some strips of camo netting, colored burlap, or raffia to the base burlap. Simple, effective, and mostly free.