Capt Harry Jobes

Capt Jeff Kraynik

Well-known member
I was recently given a couple of his dekes by an elderly client of mine.

I know he's suppose to be one of the great carvers in the East.

Can someone give any further info on his dekes.

Are they all handmade or does he use a copying/carving machine?

Harry is an old coot, but he's the coolest old coot you'll probably ever meet.

He had a double run duplicator based on the original designs of duplicators in the Havre' de Grace area. Seems like every generation has made their own tweeks and improvments on their repective carving machines. I not sure what he is running in the shop these days.

I have a feeling that most of Caps later birds have been run by whoever is standing close enough to get yelled at to load em up or finish carving and sanding em. I do think that his style and finish still shines through from those who he has schooled. Truth be told I like his stuff, mostly because I like the old guy himself. I've got a wall full of his dekes and over the last few years I've missed hanging out with him and his dear wife Helen who passed away a few years back.
If you ever desire to have your ear bent with stories both real and slightly embellished Harry is your man. You might have to buy a can of Goose Assholes to prime his pump, but when he gets going it's worth it.
I hope he has a few good years of BS and wood chips left in him.

P.S. You gotta respect a man that can sell you a hen pintail decoy that is so heavy she sinks to the bottom every time, and you still like the guy afterwards.
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harry jobes was about ten when he started in madison mitchells shop. mostly all his bodies are made on duplicating machines. his three sons also make decoys, bobby,charles and joey. for more info on this carver and other great carvers from the upper chesapeake bay ,check out the book by david & joan hagan " upper chesapeake bay decoys and their makers".